Chapter 3

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Trumpets sounded the beginning of the second day. Ian and Tanner woke up immediately, helping the Smoshers awake as well. Joven groaned as Ian shook him awake.

"Five more minutes," Joven muttered.

"Joven, you have to wake up. The EarthClan needs you," Ian spoke.

"What's the EarthClan," Noah asked Ian.

"We are. It's been EarthClan versus ChasmClan for hundreds of years," Tanner explained as everyone woke up.

"Oh wait, we're a clan. That makes sense," Lasercorn added.

"Hurry up, second day of training starts right after breakfast," Ian said, all dressed and leaving the tent. Tanner stood up and walked over to the tent's exit.

"Faster, faster," he clapped, making the Smoshers rush to get ready. He left the tent and went to get breakfast.

"Alright, warriors, Joseph and I are switching places, so I can fight one of you and he can monitor the form of those of you fighting the dummies," Courtney announced. Damien, Lasercorn, Boze, Joven, and Noah continued to fight the dummies as Tanner fought Mari, Courtney fought Shayne, and Ian fought Flitz. Tanner used the knife technique on Mari, but she was able to dodge them better than Shayne. Eventually, everyone had the chance to fight someone with experience by the end of the day.

"That was intense," Shayne told Damien.

"Are you saying that because we're in a tent right now," Damien questioned, and immediately, Shayne said yes. Suddenly, Joseph bursted into the boys' tent covered in cuts.

"Joseph, what-" Joven began to say, but was cut off by Joseph bringing in weapons and exclaiming, "The ChasmClan found us! Grab a weapon and join us!"

"But we're not done with training," Noah mentioned.

"Right now, we need to defend our clan. You're supposed to be our new warriors, so join us," Joseph yelled back. Sighing, the Smoshers went to pick up a weapon and left the tent to see what damage the ChasmClan had already done. To their shock, there were about 20 members of the ChasmClan defacing the EarthClan tents. Most of the EarthClan was fighting, except Olivia, who was in the healer tent.

"Guys, this is really serious, what do we do," Shayne asked his friends.

"Join them," Flitz mentioned, going in to fight someone from the ChasmClan. Each warrior of the ChasmClan had their face completely covered and they were wearing cloaks, so no one knew what they looked like. Eventually, Shayne, Damien, and Joven joined in the battle, and the one fighting Damien stopped to look at him, and over to the ChasmClan warrior fighting Shayne.

"What is it? Do you surrender," Damien asked him. The warrior he was fighting dragged over the warrior Shayne was fighting, leaving both Damien and Shayne confused. The two ChasmClan warriors looked between each other and Damien.

"What do you want," Damien asked them. One of the ChasmClan warriors gathered every other warrior in the clan and left the EarthClan camp, each of them bowing to Damien as they left. The last one to bow to Damien went in to hug him, and then, they all left. Before this last ChasmClan warrior left, he proceeded to stab Shayne in the abdomen.

"Shayne," Damien exclaimed, grabbing his friend and helping him to the ground. "Someone get Olivia!" Joseph rushed to get her and Courtney and the Smoshers came over to check on Shayne.

"Shayne, come on, stay with me. Come on," he said, pulling Shayne onto his lap. He began to tear up as his friend was dying.

"I'm not dead yet, Damien. You're a good friend, dude. I love you," Shayne mentioned, in a friendly way, while winking.

"Yeah, I love you too, man," Damien mentioned, looking confused at the wink. Olivia rushed over with some supplies for the wound. She started to clean the wound and get rid of some of the blood with alcohol wipes that Shayne winced at.

"There's not enough time," Olivia muttered, and put her hand over the wound, whispering something Damien couldn't make out. Shayne's wound glowed pink and Olivia pulled her hand away, revealing the wound to be gone and no blood to be seen.

"What did you do," Damien asked her.

"Healers have magic, we only use it when needed," she explained. Shayne got off of Damien's lap and sat up. He looked to where the wound was and then up to Olivia.

"You saved me," Shayne said. "Thank you." Olivia smiled at him and looked down. Shayne leaned over to her and lifted her face.

"You saved my life," he repeated.

"It was nothing," she mentioned, brushing it off.

"It was everything. I could've died if it wasn't for you. Thank you."

"You're welcome." They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Boze shouted, "Just kiss already." Shayne sighed and half-smiled, putting his right hand on the back of Olivia's head and pulled her in to kiss her deeply. As they pulled away, Shayne hesitated, looking over to Damien a bit worried. He replayed what just happened to him in his head over and over again, punishing himself for kissing her. Olivia quickly took her things and headed back to the healer's tent. Damien stood up and helped Shayne up too.

"You okay dude," Damien asked his friend.

"Yeah, I think so. Wasn't the guy that stabbed me the same guy that made everyone bow to you," Shayne mentioned.

"Yeah, what was up with that," Lasercorn asked.

"No idea," Damien said. "They all looked the same."

"Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're from the past," Tanner mentioned to them.

"Oh yeah, we haven't seen our future selves yet. I thought they'd be here," Shayne added.

"Maybe we are here, but we're the ChasmClan," Boze thought aloud.

"There's no way we'd turn into the ChasmClan. I mean if you guys are fighting them, we'd be on your side because we used to work together," Mari added, motioning to Tanner.

"Unless the elixir corrupted us," Lasercorn thought.

"Or maybe we died, and that's why we found clothes that fit us exactly right. We did know each other and fight, but we died in battle," Joven butted in. Everyone was silent, pondering which theory was correct, when in fact, they both were.

"I think I need some rest," Shayne mentioned, heading back to the tent.

"I think we all need a good night's sleep," Courtney added.

"Hold on, before you guys leave, I want to say something," Joseph said, fixing his posture. "You guys proved yourself today. You fought valiantly. If it weren't for you guys, we'd be good as dead. Thank you."

"We're honored to be here. Thank you for letting us stay," Flitz stated confidently. Soon after, everyone retreated to their tents for the night, wondering what else may be in store. 

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