Chapter 7

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Wesley and Damien returned to the EarthClan without Shayne, depressed by the fact he's "dead".

"Damien," Olivia exclaimed and ran over. "What was it like, and where's Shayne?" Damien hesitated, trying to hide his tears.

"Damien, what's wrong? Where's Shayne," Olivia asked again, holding his hands. Damien breathed heavily.

"Gone. He, he didn't make it," Damien said, trying to be strong.

"They killed him? Oh Damien, I'm so sorry," Olivia said, comforting him. She pulled him into a hug and Damien rested his head on her shoulder, crying.

"Wesley, you're back," Courtney exclaimed, going in to hug him. Wesley held onto Courtney's hands, shaking.

"Courtney, they killed Shayne," he told her. Her eyes widened.

"Oh my god. He's gone," she stated.

"Yeah, he's gone."

"I had a feeling there was no cure. That's what the ChasmClan would do."

"Hey," Damien exclaimed, pulling out of his embrace with Olivia. "They're not the bad guys."

"Yes they are. They've been wanting to take over Eiress for a thousand years. They want to destroy everything," Courtney said, peeling her hands away from Wesley's.

"Yeah, well I'm starting to see the appeal," Damien stated, beginning to walk towards the boys' tent.

"You're not getting off that easy," Courtney loudly stated, running over to him. "You're in the EarthClan now. If you keep saying things like that, we're going to have a problem."

"Fine by me," Damien stated, trying to get Courtney off his trail.

"What's gotten into you," Courtney questioned, continuing to follow him.

"Nothing, leave me alone," Damien stated, whirling around to speak into her face at a loud volume. Somehow, he sent out a pulse by his hand moving when he turned around. The pulse pushed Courtney back. They both looked around, confused.

"What happened there? Tell me," she shouted, moving to Damien and pushing him in the chest.

"No! Just leave me alone," Damien exclaimed, going in to push her physically, but instead sending out another pulse that pushed her.

"No Damien," Courtney said, giving Damien a roundhouse kick in the abdomen, making him take some steps back. Damien furrowed his eyebrows at her and punched her hard in the face, making her fall. Her gold eyes faded away and showed her brown eyes once again.
"What the- where am I," she questioned. She looked around and up to Damien. "Damien? How'd I get out here?"

"Courtney," he slowly questioned. He helped her up. "What happened to your eyes? They're not gold anymore."

"Why would my eyes be gold, that's weird," she stated. Flitz ran over to them.

"Hey guys," he said.

"Hey Flitz. How'd you find us," Damien questioned.

"My ankh was glowing," Flitz stated, pulling it out from under his shirt, revealing it to be still glowing.

"I didn't know it could glow," Courtney mentioned.

"It can't," Flitz stated. The three of them looked around to each other as Courtney reached her hand out to touch it. As soon as she touched it, the ankh shocked her, with the glowing gold transferring from the ankh to her, and her eyes. Suddenly, she fell.

"What the hell," Flitz questioned, looking between Damien and Courtney. Slowly, Flitz knelt down to Courtney as Damien slowly walked away from them.

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