Chapter 11

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The sun rose on Damien's fourth day in prison. Andy, Cody, and Damien slowly woke up as some guards came a bit early to their cell.

"Andy. It's been a month," one of the guards said.

"You're not leaving, are you," Damien asked. Andy came down from his bed as Damien and Cody stood up.

"I am. My sentence was just for a month, and it's been a month," Andy mentioned. Damien softly sighed. Andy walked closer to the bars on the cell door, but Damien pulled him back.

"Don't leave me. Not yet," Damien whispered to him.

"Damien, what's wrong," Andy questioned, holding Damien's arms.

"I'm hurting, Andy. I need help."

"You still have Cody."

"Well, sure, but I have a connection with you, not him."

"You mean last night," Andy asked, almost taken aback by that comment.

"Yeah," Damien hesitated, slowly releasing the grip he had on Andy's arms. Before Damien's hands were pulled apart from Andy, Andy leaned in and hugged Damien.

"You'll be fine, Damien," Andy told him. Damien hugged him back.

"But I need help," Damien muttered.

"And I wish I could stay. I'm glad we met, but I'll see you on the other side. I promise," Andy stated, pulling away to rest his forehead on Damien's.

"I'll miss you, Andy," Damien muttered.

"I'll miss you too, Damien," Andy told Damien, smiling. Andy hugged Cody goodbye, then the guards let him out of the cell. One of the guards led Andy to the exit while the other remained in front of Cody and Damien's cell, letting Prophet, Torment, and Blade in. Andy turned his head around as he saw them walking into his old cell, and noticed how tense Cody and Damien got.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? Don't hurt them," Andy shouted after them, but the guard that was escorting him began to yank Andy by the shirt towards the exit. Andy tried to use his powers, but they were still gone.

"Spence, please. Can't we just talk this out," Damien asked Prophet.

"My name is Prophet," Prophet shouted, and proceeded to punch Damien.

"Hey, get off of him," Cody shouted, trying to pull Prophet away from Damien, but Torment pushed Cody's back against the wall and started punching him. Blade doubled up with Torment, kicking and hitting Cody. From far away, they could faintly hear Andy screaming for them.

The next two days for Damien were nothing but hell. Prophet singled Damien out on the field and continued to torture him constantly. The guards just stood there and did nothing as Prophet continued to hurt Damien. His sixth day in jail, he was able to get his hands on some rope. When he was alone in the cell, he began to crack. He threw the rope over a pole and turned it into a noose. He stood up on the edge of the toilet, holding the rope. Before Damien could do anything rash, Cody was ushered into the cell by guards, who again, did nothing.

"Damien," Cody exclaimed.

"I didn't want you to see me like this," Damien stated, monotone.

"Damien, don't do it. Get down." Cody tried talking to him. "Come on. You kill yourself, you're changing everything. We're stuck in 3008, think about it." Damien sighed and let go of the rope. He jumped off the edge of the toilet onto the stone cold ground. Cody rushed over to hug him, but Damien pushed him away.

"Damien, what's wrong," Cody asked.

"Nothing, okay," Damien asked, looking at Cody.

"You just tried to kill yourself. You're not okay," Cody probed.

"Yeah, I'm not, but I'm not talking about it with you."

"Why? I've been in pain too, I'll understand."

"I know, but I don't have as much of a connection with you as I did with Andy." Cody hesitated, sighing. He turned away from Damien and sat down onto a bed.

"Prophet stabbed me with swords. All the way through my body. If you do it the right way, people can live," Cody stated.

"That's possible?"

"Yeah, look." Cody lifted up his shirt to reveal where the swords entered Cody's body. Then he turned around so Damien could see where the swords came out of.

"I'm sorry," Damien stated.

"It's not your fault," Cody stated, letting his shirt fall back down.

"No, I'm sorry for treating you coldly. I shouldn't be acting like this towards you. You're the only other person that understands me," Damien apologized.

"Same kind of dark," Cody mentioned, half-smiling. Damien stifled a laugh, smiling back at Cody.

"I shouldn't be laughing at that."

"Sometimes it's the only way to cope."

"You're insane."

"That makes two of us."

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