Chapter 6

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Future Damien walked into Shayne's holding cell with some food.

"Here. Eat," Damien mentioned, putting the plate down on Shayne's lap.

"Are you going to tell me where Wesley and my Damien are," Shayne questioned.

"They're back with the EarthClan. I told them I killed you," Damien mentioned.

"Why would you say that?"

"To send them back. I didn't want them here for long. Now eat." Damien released the knots around Shayne's wrist with magic.

"This isn't poisoned, is it," Shayne asked, warily reaching for the food.

"Of course not. You're already poisoned," Damien stated. Shayne ate some of the food.

"Feeling any better," Damien asked.

"Maybe," Shayne stated, clearing the plate. Damien sighed and chuckled.

"What," Shayne asked.

"Oh, nothing," Damien said. "Just, I missed you."

"Missed me?"

"Shayne, with you poisoned and being here, I had to live a 1000 years without you, and now you're back. I almost forgot you. I almost killed myself from caring too much about where you must've been. Time's a tricky thing, Shayne. It changes, and it changed me. I changed into this, and the EarthClan dares to think I'm the bad guy, when it's them who are worse. They abandoned me, called me a villain. When they turned on me I retaliated. I killed some of them. I didn't want to, they were my friends, but they disowned me from Smosh. Then the power went out. All over the world, and somehow it was through Defy's IP. Someone in Smosh had something to do with it, I was sure of it, and with you not being there, I thought it was you, and I hated you more, despite the fact that we knew each other really well. I know you didn't have anything to do with it, you're not that type of person, but I couldn't help but think that you did something. If you came back and admitted that you did it, I wouldn't be mad. I'd have my best friend. Without you, I'm nothing Shayne. You make me whole." Shayne hesitated after hearing this. He couldn't process the fact that Damien could be so easily swayed into depression if he just wasn't there. Shayne didn't understand much of what Damien said he felt, then again, earlier Damien did say Shayne wouldn't understand. It's because of the elixir's choosing ability Shayne doesn't understand. Slowly, Shayne put the plate down on the ground and stood up. He walked over to Damien and hugged him, causing Damien to furrow his eyebrows in confusion and open his mouth in shock.

"What are you doing," Damien asked.

"You're right, I don't understand. I don't understand your feelings of emptiness, but I'm here now, and you said this is what you needed. What I do understand is your friends abandoning you, and I'm not going to do that. I'm here now, and I'm going to help you," Shayne stated into his best friend's ear. Damien started to cry and hugged Shayne back, whispering, "Thank you. I really needed this." Damien pulled Shayne into a tighter embrace and put his head down on Shayne's shoulder, crying some more.

"From here on out, I'll be by your side," Shayne said. In the embrace, Damien thought to himself about Shayne's connection to Satan. Softly sighing, he pulled away from the embrace and rested his forehead on Shayne's forehead, his hands holding Shayne's.

"I'm going to do something. Something the ChasmClan wouldn't like," Damien told him in a quiet tone.

"What," Shayne asked, mimicking the quietness.

"I can heal you. I'm sorry I lied, I was doing it for the gain of the clan, but I'd rather have your happiness," Damien stated, and with that, he channeled his magic to heal Shayne. Shayne felt the wound pull itself together and the black veins were whisked away in a fog. They pulled apart and Shayne pulled up his shirt, revealing the wound and veins to be gone. He looked up to his friend and hugged him once more.

"Thank you. I knew you could still be my Damien," Shayne stated. He pulled away and noticed Damien had been crying. Shayne reached up and wiped away a tear from his face, letting his left hand linger on the side of Damien's head. They smiled, gazing into each other's eyes for a moment, and the two of them remembered their romantic feelings for the other. Shayne felt awkward about letting his hand linger, but Damien reached up to rest his right hand on Shayne's neck. Shayne let out an inaudible sigh as they pulled one another closer, reaching up their other hands to hold each other as they kissed. It wasn't for too long, but it was just the right amount of passion. When they pulled away, their hands still rested on each other, and their faces were inches apart.

"How about I give you a tour," Damien asked Shayne.

"That's not code for anything, is it," Shayne responded.

"No, just a tour. Unless, you want it to be," Damien mentioned, smirking.

"We'll see how I feel," Shayne smiled. Damien smiled back.

"Fine with me," Damien mentioned, pulling apart from Shayne and holding out his hand. "Let's go then."

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