Chapter 13

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Damien woke up the next day and climbed down the ladder. He pocketed the razor and looked around, remembering Andy and Cody left already. He pulled out the razor and looked at it again. Sighing, he dragged it along his other arm, pushing it in to make it bleed more. Guards appeared, so he quickly put the razor away.

"What happened to your arm," one of them asked.

"Must've scratched it somewhere," Damien lied.

"Wait here," one of the guards said, and left. He came back with a wrap, so he wrapped it around Damien's arm. The cut on Damien's left arm stopped bleeding last night, but it was worrying to the guards.

"What's this," the guard asked.

"Must've happened in my sleep. It's fine, it's older," Damien lied again. Sighing, the guards let him go have breakfast. When he got his food, he looked over to Prophet, wondering if he could sit with them. Prophet sternly shook his head, and Damien went to eat alone.

Damien's final two days in prison weren't hell, but they felt long and never ending. Damien began to crack some more, and started cutting a lot, eventually covering his arms. He felt alone without Cody and Andy. Prophet didn't hurt Damien anymore, but he kept away, telling Damien prisoners would get suspicious. Damien only sighed and complied. The morning of his last day, Damien was broken, crying. He didn't even realize it was his last day until the guards came by early.

"Damien, your time is up," one of the guards said. Damien furrowed his eyebrows and got down from his bed, wiping his face.

"Didn't even realize," he said.

"Time goes by quickly," a guard said, unlocking the cell door. Damien smiled, and was escorted out by the guards. He ran into Prophet on his way out.

"Godspeed," Prophet stated, saluting Damien. Damien nodded back as he walked out of the prison.

"Hey stranger," Shayne shouted, smiling.

"Shayne," Damien exclaimed, rushing over to hug his best friend. "You're alive. How are you alive?"

"I didn't die," Shayne said, hugging back and smiling. He pulled away and rested his forehead on Damien's.

"You're here, I'm so glad you're here," Damien muttered. "There's so much I have to tell you."

"I know there's probably a lot I missed, but there's things I need to tell you too, starting with.. I love you," Shayne stated.

"I love you too," Damien immediately muttered back, and pulled Shayne closer to kiss him. Shayne was shocked at first, but kissed him back.

"Come on. Let's go to the ChasmClan," Shayne told him.

"ChasmClan," Damien asked.

"There's stuff you need to see there," Shayne told him, so they went back to the ChasmClan together, holding hands.

"Welcome to the ChasmClan," Shayne mentioned as they entered. Shayne directed Damien to a meeting area near the infirmary.

"Andy! Cody," Damien exclaimed.

"Damien," Andy also exclaimed, standing up to rush over and hug Damien. "Are you okay? Did Prophet hurt you more?"

"A little bit, but they eventually stopped," Damien told Andy. Shayne shifted his weight between his legs, feeling awkward, and maybe a little jealous. Cody hugged Damien and glanced down at Damien's arms.

"You did it too," Cody muttered.

"Only because you weren't there. You guys kept me above water. I felt lost without you, like I couldn't go on," Damien explained.

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