Chapter 15

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Another five days passed with not much happening. Damien was stuck in solitary confinement with only a razor blade and voices around him to keep him company. The voices, according to placards, belonged to "M. Patrick", "N. Sharp", and "B. Calvillo". They confided in each other, sharing the horrors they had to go through. They shared stories about each of them being tortured by Prophet and his friends, and Damien shared how he was able to reach Prophet's heart. This surprised everyone in solitary, considering that most, if not all the people in confinement thought Prophet and his friends were one-sided. Damien convinced them that Prophet, Blade, and Torment were as villainized as everyone in solitary. Begrudgingly, everyone just took Damien's word for it.

Back at the EarthClan, Shayne woke up five hours after the fight with Damien. He had no idea where Damien was, and honestly, didn't want to know. After the fight, Shayne doubted himself and his allegiance with his friend. He thought back to the times he defended Damien, and realized their friendship did more harm than good. Shayne began to blame himself for Damien's antics, becoming more on edge himself. His training went from lackluster to intense, slowly becoming Joseph's prodigy instead of Tanner. Joseph watched Shayne's work, and promoted him to First Division Team Leader. Shayne began to sleep in the same tent as Joseph, and now Joven, Sunny, and Keith as well. Shayne suggested letting Olivia sleep in their tent, considering she's the healer. Joseph wondered why Olivia was never in their tent, so he agreed. By doing this, Joseph and Olivia grew closer, talking in private quite frequently. Shayne would ask them what they were talking about, but their only response was "it's confidential". He grew suspicious, but never grew curious enough to go and eavesdrop on them. Things were quiet at the EarthClan without Damien. It almost seemed like a normal clan again, and everyone loved it. Sure, there was the lingering tension about Damien, and the feelings of the Smoshers were matured upon traveling, but other than that, just a normal clan. Nothing of interest happened, until Damien returned.

Damien stormed back onto EarthClan territory with a vengeance against Joseph. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Olivia dipping her feet in the river. Watching her stroke the water with her fingers and the way her hair blew in the wind calmed Damien down. He considered going over to her, but remembered what she said to him in the makeshift infirmary of the prison. He looked at the river, then the tents. Knowing that Olivia might yell at him again, he still walked over to her. Quietly, Damien sighed, looking at Olivia.

"Beautiful, isn't it," Damien asked. Olivia sharply turned her head in shock to face him, but fell into the water.

"Damien," she exclaimed.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, smiling. He reached down his hand and helped Olivia up. Olivia forced a smile towards him, holding her arms.

"How was solitary confinement?"

"Not fun. I cut myself, and tried to kill myself." Olivia widened her eyes as Damien showed her the cuts. She ran her fingers along the cuts.

"I can heal you," she said, holding Damien's arms.

"Don't," Damien spoke back. He sat down along the river, and Olivia sat down with him.

"Is everything okay Damien," Olivia questioned. "I know we haven't had the best relationship for a while, but I want you to know you can trust me. I won't tell anyone, I swear. I'm sorry for what I did." Damien sighed and looked in Olivia's eyes.

"I forgive you," Damien confessed. Olivia heaved a breath of relief and smiled.

"Thanks. So, talk to me. Why don't you want me to heal your arms?"

"My arms aren't the thing that needs healing. What really hurts is my heart. My friends turned on me, abandoned me. I don't think I can deal with it anymore. The next time someone yells at me, I'm worried that I'll do something. Something I won't remember doing, and everyone will despise me more and more. I can't do it anymore. Can you heal that?" Olivia hesitated.

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