Chapter 16

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The following three days left nothing but tension within the clan. Damien and Shayne sent death glares at each other whenever possible, and Olivia was always there by Damien's side to make sure he wouldn't erupt in a fit of anger. Joseph was a cunning king, who manipulated everyone under him to his will. Since he died, no one was really sure who could be leader, so the position was left unfilled. The manipulation Joseph did caused most, if not all of the clan, to be on his side, which according to Damien, is the wrong side. No one knew what to do exactly, until prison escapees walked onto the territory. Prophet, Blade, and Torment escaped the Kaire Prison System, headed straight for the EarthClan.

Olivia was tending to Damien's wounds when the prisoners arrived on clan grounds. The three of them already knew the layout of the clan, so they waltzed into the healer's tent, expecting no one to be in there.

"Damien," Prophet stated aloud.

"Spencer? What are you doing here," Damien wondered, getting off the table.

"I came to settle a score with Joseph. Where is he," Prophet asked.

"Six feet under."

"Excuse me?"

"Dead. Joseph's dead," Damien explained.

"How? What happened," Prophet asked after a short silence. Damien hesitated, looking over to Olivia.

"He killed him," Olivia mentioned, pointing to Damien. Prophet squinted his eyes at Olivia, and looked back over to Damien. Prophet sighed.

"You did my job for me," he mentioned, leaving the tent with his friends. Damien rushed after them.

"Wait, that's it? I thought the plan was go to Virginia to find out the secrets of the elixir," Damien questioned them.

"That's still the plan, we were just going to stop here first. Try and talk to Joseph, kill him, get you. So you're still in?"

"I can't. I need to go back to my time period by tomorrow or we'll all die by 3018."

"What's the hold up then? Why can't you leave now?"

"Because my friends need to be on board with it. They don't really like me, Spencer. Not after the things I've done. They won't trust me, they won't go back with me. We all need to go back or else serious changes in the timeline will happen."

"Is talking not an option?"

"Not really. I can't sit them down, they won't listen to me."

"They'll listen to Olivia." Prophet motioned to her, and Damien looked over at her.

"No. I can't have her in the crossfire. I could hurt her," Damien spoke abrasively.

"Relax. We can be here when she talks to your friends."

"Ex-friends," Damien explained, and Prophet slowly nodded.

"Ex-friends," Prophet repeated back. "We can stop you from doing anything you might regret." Damien hesitated.

"Thank you," he spoke to them. So Prophet motioned to Olivia to grab the time-travelers and gather them in the field.

"What now? Last time we were here, Damien almost ended up killing Shayne," Lasercorn stated to Olivia. Shayne shifted his weight between his legs.

"Nothing like that's going to happen today. I just needed to inform you on a situation," Olivia stated.

"Was it really important that you had to drag us away from training," Shayne asked, having trouble focusing.

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