4 ☆Plans☆

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I felt a burning light, pointing right at me, making me stir in bed and turn my back to the furious sunshine. I rubbed my eyes, a yawn escaping my lips as I drove back to last night's happenings.

Garrett and I had finished eating, then we chatted for a bit then left and he decided to take me home. Everything went greater than expected, even after what he told me about the infamous twin George.

Let me explain, No, George is not the stereotypical high school ripped jock. He's a musician, and an artist, and I've always admired his art, and his physic too I have to admit. I can tell why Garrett is so hot.

I did not just say that...

Okay, yes I liked hanging out with him. He's just so interesting, he comes up with the most random yet interesting science facts, and I love a person that can give a good conversation topic. I remember perfectly the excitement in his face telling me that there is enough DNA in the average person's body to stretch from the sun to Pluto and back 17 times. Isn't it crazy?!

Back to the topic... George has been my crush since he entered our high school, he used to be in a music school but decided to attend a normal high school after. But I never thought much about it, it's not like he even knows I exist. Even if we used to share 3 periods.

I tried to hide my excitement when Garrett told me about George, as I saw the expression of annoyance, as if he was tired of talking about his brother. I can see girls using him to get close to his brother...

It's just unfair. How he gets treated poorly by people that don't even know half of his life. I wonder if his brother (having that much influence) ever defended him...

But anyway, Garrett and I had a lot of fun last night, or at least I know I did. It was much better than staying at that stupid ball. And the best thing of all is... I got Garrett's number.

Should I text him? Of course not. It will look like I want something. I mean I do want something... I sighed heavily. Okay... I'll do it.

Garrett's P.O.V.

I got woken up by the sound of a notification from my phone. I rubbed my eyes slowly till I adjusted to the strong light of the small screen in front of me. Brinley texted me.

Whatever could she want from me? Is she just trying to get to my brother? If it's that I'm just gonna tell her to back off cause I'm not interested in being used by anyone.

I put my glasses on quickly pressing the message open. My eyes widened while my mind processed what the message said.

"Wanna Hang out today?" Those four words kept creeping through my head. Hang out? As in two friends going out? What's going on?

Okay. I'm just over thinking it. The probabilities of a girl wanting anything from me other than my brother are 0.00001% so maybe if I do go out with her I can just let her know, my brother isn't interested and then everything will go back to normal. Sounds like a great plan.

A mischievous smile came across my face as I typed the message. "Sure, see you in Rusty's at 12 pm?" I waited for a few moments looking at the ceiling, when the notification finally came.

"Sounds great to me. See you there." She responded but I didn't bother to reply.

Finally. I'm gonna let people know who's in charge. Maybe after I call this girl out no one will ever use me again and I can be happily alone.

But you had fun last night...

My inner voice kept telling me. Yes, I enjoyed having someone to talk to about everything I'm interested in for once, but if I let it happen it will go against everything I believe. Human attachment, Or the so called "love" is not real. Everything needs an equation for it to exist, and love doesn't, you can't measure 8 ounces of love. Because it doesn't exist. Besides, if it did exist, why is everyone so selfish? Couples break up all the time. If they really loved each other as they declare, everything would be fine. But it's not.

But anyway, enough time wasted. I have to get ready to see Brinley.


Here's chapter 4!! This just keeps getting better and better and I'm just so excited gjdjvjgjdkdkelelsdlfnfhfb.

P.S. I'm very aware some thoughts that Garret has about love are just plain stupid 😂 but I PROMISE I did that on purpose okay.

But anyway I hope you liked it ❤
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