27 ☆Advice☆

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I felt sunlight hit my face, making me instantly groan, within seconds I felt my head hurt, and my face felt swollen. I sat up in my bed remembering the past events.

Me telling dad and Ally about Oxford and their reactions. Just the thought of it made tears form in my eyes again. I spent the entire night crying, Dad didn't say other word to me, neither Ally did. I wish she had said something to me, but I know it wasn't gonna be good probably.

To lift my mood I decided to take a shower, this will maybe help my face look a bit more normal, I really don't want them to see I was crying.

Once I went out of the bathroom I put some casual clothes on. I was brushing my hair when suddenly my phone started ringing, I slowly walked towards it, wishing it wasn't Garrett. Lucky me, it is him.

Hesitantly I answered, making sure my voice wouldn't break at some point. I can't tell him dad said no, just kot yet. "Hey Garrett." I tried to sound as normal as possible, but failed at it.

"Hey Brin, are you okay? You sound a bit down. Did you tell your family?" Of course he would notice something was wrong. Why did he have to ask about that right at this moment? I took a few deep breaths to stop myself from crying.

"N-no actually, when I got home they where sleeping so I didn't want to bother them." My heart broke at the fact that I had just lied to him, but I couldn't tell him the truth.

"Alright... see you later then?" I could feel he didn't believe me, but I'm glad he didn't keep asking.

"Yeah sure... see you later." I couldn't hold it any longer, so I immediately hung up then tears started falling, I tried to hold them but it was useless.

The thought of having to go our own ways scared me, it may sound stupid. I know it's stupid. We met almost three months ago, and now I can't live without him.

With this, I laid back down on my bed, the small appetite I had quickly vanished, and the headache that had stopped after the shower soon came back, now making me have more than a heartache.

I felt myself getting sleepier, my eyes began feeling heavier, I think it's a good idea, maybe if I sleep a little I'll calm down.

I finally closed my eyes, and sleep started taking over me, which lasted only a few seconds until I heard someone knock on my door. "Come in..." I spoke with such I low voice I doubt the person behind that door heard.

I saw the door open and Ally walked in cautiously, as if she was gonna touch something fragile that might break at any moment. She sat at the end of my bed carefully, slowly stood up now facing her, I could see she tried to act normal, but I know I look like a mess. And by the expression she so hard tried to hide I know she knows as well. "Aren't you gonna get breakfast?" She spoke in a soft voice. I appreciate the question, instead of a cliché  'are you okay?'

"I'm not really hungry." I spoke in a soft voice as well, I looked down before she could see my tears fall down, although I know she perfectly knew I was trying to hide it.

"What made you take that decision Brin? I know I've always told you to go to college and study something but that even surprised me since it was so sudden." Ally explained, I guess she is right... maybe I decided too quickly, I was blinded by my feelings. "Where you willing to give up your dream because of him Brin?"

That was a question I couldn't answer, but I perfectly knew the answer to that, which I had realized just a few seconds ago. I looked down, my hands played with the fur of a stuffed animal in my bed, I couldn't lift my gaze.

"I know... you are really happy and in love Brin, but giving up what you want for someone else?just think, would he be willing to do that? you have many years to find your loved one, there's no need to rush." Ally kept going on, but all I did was look down, analyzing everything she was saying.

"You still have a lot to experience Brin, life doesn't end here. Garrett will go to Oxford and you'll stay here fulfilling your dream, not his. Oxford is not what you want." At this point the tears where unstoppable, I knew everything she said was correct, but my heart felt different about it.

"You need to talk this out with him, and look at how he reacts, who knows what life has prepared for you? All I know is, if you guys belong together, life will find it's way to bring you guys together, if not, maybe there's something better out there." I don't want something better. I want him.

Ally finally finished, giving me a tight hug. I hate to admit she is right... I'll need to tell Garrett about it at some point.

But how am I gonna tell him this?

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