7 ☆Parties☆

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I fixed my dress looking at myself in the mirror, I don't look bad. I can't believe today's the day. I'm officially out of the hell called high school.

Yes, you guessed. It's my graduation. And my mind still can't process it. So many things are about to come. College, Job, travelling, finding love, getting married, having kids.

Oh God...

I got carried away. I shook my head to stop the overwhelming thoughts from coming, then a knock on my door was heard.

"Honey are you ready? We'll be late." My dad spoke through the door

"I'll be down in a few minutes dad!" I quickly applied a last few touches to my make up, stepped on my heels, then walked out.

Well here we go.... wish me luck.

"Brinley Woodall." The principal called my name, and I slowly walked to the stage with a wide smile on my face, to accept my diploma, at first no one clapped, they probably thought 'who the f is that girl?' I don't blame them. But after I accepted the title a few clapped, including a smiling Garrett waiting to be called.

Yes. He smiles. I know, shocking. I hadn't seen him these past days, I know he is new to this friendship thing so I don't want to smother by being clingy and wanting to hang out everyday. So I'm taking things slow, although I have been dying to see him, and have those weird but deep conversations.

Answering weird questions, talking about whatever. I never want it to end.

I got snapped out of my thoughts, hearing Garrett's name being said. Why is no one clapping? I stood up and clapped for him, I don't care if people think I'm weird, Garrett is my friend, and I'll always be their for him.

When he saw me clapping, I could see the sad smile on his face. Then George was called, the crowd went crazy, I rolled my eyes, Garrett deserved that applause too...

After giving diplomas, and long speeches the event finally ended. I couldn't be happier. I was chatting with Deanna, but I wasn't really paying attention, all I could concentrate on was in Garrett looking around as if he was looking for someone.

"Brinley? What do you think?!" Deanna seemed annoyed, I guess she repeated that a couple times.

"Uh- yeah sounds great." I responded, not really knowing what was she talking about.

"FINALLY you agreed to go to a party! See you later at my house." She quickly hugged me before running off somewhere else.

Wait. What? I just agreed to go on a party?! This can't be real. I sighed and made my way to Garrett who was still looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" I asked once I reached to where he was.

"I can't find George anywere, he was supposed to drive me back home." He groaned in annoyance, his phone in hand as he called George over and over again.

"Well... you won't have to go home if you accompany me." I gave him a hopeful smile. There's no way I'm going to this stupid party by myself.

"Where are you going?" He raised a knowing eyebrow at me, he must know it's something particular, I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't particular.

"To a party...." I whispered, looking down with my fingers crossed hoping he would say yes.

"Hell no, you've gone mad if you think I'm going to a freaking party with you." I looked up to see him glaring at me, I should've expected this.

"Garrett please! I'll do anything for you. Anything!" I whined, I made the puppy face I know no one can resist.

"Fine... But you will do ANYTHING. I say, clear?" He answered after glaring at me for 5 minutes, I hugged him tightly mumbling many 'thank you' but of course his cold self did not return the hug. I hope one day he does.

Garrett and I went to my house together, since my father and sister had left as soon as the event ended, but I stayed for a bit longer.

Once we got there, I changed my formal dress into a more casual attire, not really putting much effort since I'm going to a party I don't even want to attend.

I sighed as I let my body crush onto my bed, while Garrett sat down beside me.

"So what do you want from me in return?" I looked at him, his eyes were glued on his phone, maybe on some science article.

"Don't rush Brinley, I'll tell you when the moment arrives." I could see the smirk on his face. Is he really smirking?

Wow. I've come to realize Garrett is like a game, where you have to increase levels to earn more features, with Garrett you have to get comfortable and the more comfortable he is, the more facial expressions he uses.

We did nothing for a few hours, quickly the time for the party arrived, and we took my dad's car. I'm still surprised he let Garrett Drive it.

We got to Deanna's enormous house, the loud music could be heard two blocks away.

We both sighed as we made our way into the hotel-looking house, our faces flinching in disgust as our first sight was drunk teenagers grinding on each other and making out.

"This... was a bad idea..." I blinked a couple times, my eyes glued on the horrific scene displayed in front of us.

"It's your fault." Garrett shrugged, I'm not dealing with his attitude right now.

I rolled my eyes giving him a slap on his arm.

We need to get out of here...



Another chapter is uuppp. I hope you're liking this story ❤

I love everyone who is still reading it 💌❤

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*gets on her knees* pleeeaaseee voootee and comment im begging.

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