28 ☆Farewells☆

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I looked around, as I felt my palms becoming sweaty, and my heartbeat becoming faster. I then looked at my right, and saw Garrett looking straightforward as we went for a walk. I then looked down at our hands, which were locked together.

I will definitely miss this.

I can't hold it in any longer, I need to tell him.

I released my hand from his grip and stopped walking, which he instantly responded by looking back at me with a worried look on his face.

"Garrett... I need to tell you something." All he did was nod, and we walked to the closest comfortable place so we could talk without getting any interruption. The entire way I thought of the possible reactions he could have. They're infinite. I don't know what will happen.

"What do you want to say Brinley?" He looked at me, he seemed anxious. Maybe as anxious to know as I am to tell him.

"Garrett... you know, I-I have a dream of becoming a cloth designer... you have your own dream of becoming a doctor... we are going very different ways, and... I thought well about it. But... Oxford is just not for me and I-I'm sorry.... but I-I can't go with you..." It didn't take long for my eyes to become blurry in tears, until they were falling uncontrollably. I sobbed, the thought of us being apart after everything we had gone through seemed unbelievable but it was the best for us.

I waited for some moments for him to respond, to say anything. But it was all silent. It just made everything worse. Once I could control my tears, I looked up at Garrett, who had an emotionless expression. That expression I was so familiar with, but hated so much.

After a bit, I could see his eyes getting watery, but before any tear fell off, he wiped them immediately, and hid his face from me.

I was getting anxious now, he wasn't speaking anything, I wanted to hear what he had to say. But right when I thought he was finally gonna speak, all he did was stand up and started walking away.

I gathered my things and walked after him before he could go any further.

"Garrett?" I spoke, hoping he would stop and be reasonable for once, but he didn't, he just kept walking.

"Garrett!" I spoke, this time a bit louder, while now tears formed in my eyes as I saw him walking away, too fast for me to catch him.

"Is this how it will end?" I felt my heart break into pieces as his figure slowly faded away, and pain took me over making me too weak to keep walking.

Once I managed to stop crying, I took a taxi back home, thinking about everything that had happened. Did I really do the right thing? All of this wouldn't have happened if I went with him.

But I wouldn't be able to fulfill my dream.

But now, I've lost something more important. Garrett.

Once I finally got home, I walked in hoping no one was there, but lucky me, dad and Ally were sitting at the couch. The last thing I want right now is for them to ask questions.

I walked past the living room towards my bedroom, gladly no one asked me anything. Once I got in I threw my purse onto the table then threw myself to bed, feeling a lump in my throat forming again and the tears starting to come out.

The memory of this morning filled my head, how everything was fine, then in the blink of an eye, it isn't anymore.

Garrett picked me up as he had told me we were going somewhere but he didn't tell me where.

"You look beautiful today." I looked at Garrett who was looking at me with a smile, I felt my cheeks turning hotter at that moment and the butterflies in my stomach going crazy.

I could only look down, still too nervous to respond towards him, but it only made it worse, when I felt his arms wrap around my small frame, and his lips plant a soft kiss onto my forehead, then my left cheek. I was left speechless.

It was one of the first times he had been so sweet to me, and I wanted to cherish that forever, but it all went away when I realized I had to tell him. And now here we are.

Is this really how things end? Not even goodbye? Why does everything have to be so complicated. Garrett leaves in two days, maybe I can go see him at the airport.

One last time.

The day finally arrived, I got ready to go to the airport. Garrett and I haven't spoken since that day, he didn't call, and I didn't dare to message him, to scared of his reaction. But his is how things are going to end, I want to at least say goodbye to him.

Ally drove me to the airport, we were already late. I hope he isn't gone yet. I walked in a quick pace, trying not to hit anyone as I looked everywhere for Garrett, but I couldn't see him anywhere.

Until after almost ten minutes of looking, we locked eyes, and I felt how the world stopped for a moment. The memories started flooding my mind, making my eyes watery once again.

I walked closer to him slowly, all he did was stand there, and at that moment I realized, he was planning to leave, and not say a single word to me, making that pain I felt before come back.

"I-I just... came to say goodbye...." I tried to say something else, but the words were caught up in my throat, leaving me with no words left to say, just soft sobs.

"Goodbye Brinley." Was all I heard after a few minutes.

I looked up to see Garrett slowly turning away, with each step he took, it became more difficult to differentiate which was him. Until I completely lost him from sight.

And just like that, he was gone.


I hope you guys don't hate me so much. I'm sorry. But yes, this is the end of the book, I know, sad ending. But, I will post a note on why I chose to end it like this when things could've went differently, don't worry! And there will also be a little surprise, so please don't kill me! Yet

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