20 ☆ Encounters☆

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After dinner, Ally and I went back home, but I couldn't take out of my mind George's call. Hey Would he want me to go to his house? Even worse to have dinner with his parents? Maybe I should just tell him I can't go.

It would be rude to cancel.

Maybe if I tell him I got sick and I feel really, really bad so I can't go? No that's a stupid excuse. What worries me most is Garrett will be there? What if he gets the wrong idea?

Seriously Brinley, he literally said he doesn't care.

I know what he said, but I just can't wrap my head around it still.

Maybe it's time I just... move on from this, silly crush. There's the guy of my dreams who seems interested in me, and has treated me quite nicely. Maybe Garrett and I were just never meant to be... Maybe Garrett was just a pathway of life to get George and I together.

Yeah. That's it... Now I just have to repeat those lies to myself until I finally believe them. I really like George, but something just won't let me move on from Garrett.

Okay I think I have been thinking enough for today. I walked into my room and changed into my pjs, my brain needs some rest before that emotional and mental rollercoaster I'm about to go through. I got in bed, sleep quickly taking me over.

I felt the intense light of the sun coming through my window, making my eyes close tightly, making me realize it was already morning. I turned my back towards the window my mind processing everything around me as my eyes slowly adjusted to the new light.

Wait. Today is dinner at George's. Fuck. What am I gonna do?? I'm gonna die, I can't do this. No. I can't I'm not going, I refuse to go. Trying to recover from my small panic attack, I got up from bed, making my way to Ally's room.

Gladly, the door wasn't locked, so I walked in, laying on top of her to wake her up. "Please help me." I whined, to which her reaction was pushing me away, almost making me fall off the bed.

"It's your boyfriend, not mine. Solve this yourself." I understood what she said even she had a sleepy voice. My eyes widened.

"G-George is not my boyfriend." My cheeks turned hotter at the thought of me and him dating and my stomach also did a somersault at that thought. "Ally please! I-I don't know what to do o-or what to even wear. I be you please help me!" I begged her several times, but all her responses were pushing me off the bed or groaning because I woke her up.

"Fine! But you owe me a thousand." She finally agreed, with a groan of course.

"I owe you my life." I felt like a big weight had just been lifted off my shoulders as I hugged her tightly, knowing it would probably annoy her.

After what it felt like an eternity the time to leave finally arrived, Deanna came over to help Ally and I pick my outfit, but in the end, of course what they chose was so not for me at all, so I ended up just choosing the cloth myself but I appreciated the attempts.

I sat still, waiting for George to arrive, since he had called telling me he wanted to pick me up, of course I insisted it wouldn't be necessary but he didn't listen at all.

"Remember, focus on George not Garrett." Deanna told me, as she tried fixing my hair. Yeah sure. I wish it was that easy, I only nodded to avoid any further commenting on the topic.

We finally heard the doorbell ring, meaning of course it was George, I opened the door, and I couldn't help but smile a little at the sight. George was standing in a casual attire, holding a sunflower in his hand.

"Figured Roses would be a bit cliché so I brought a Sunflower instead." He smiled handing me the flower, making my cheeks turn hotter.

"Thank you George..." I avoided the 'you didn't have to do that' part since we all know how that ends. "So, let's go." I waved at Ally and Deanna slowly closing the door behind me.

"Don't forget the day-after pill." I could hear Ally whisper, but I glared at her before they would say anything else that was innapropriate.

"Did you say  anything?"  I got startled by George's voice, gosh I'm gonna die if he heard what Ally said.

"What? N-no not all let's go!" I quickly walked towards his car avoiding any further questioning from him. He opened the door for me making me smile a little. I guess some chivalry isn't bad once in a while.

The drive to his house was quiet, soft music played in the background to which George hummed to the rhythm as his fingers fidled also to the rhythm of the song. I couldn't help but smile.

Once we got to his house we went in, I got greeted by his and Garrett's parents.

"Hi sweetie we're really glad you are back with us for a nice dinner." Mrs. Matthews gave me such a warm smile, I couldn't help but return it, hoping things wouldn't go as awkward as they did the day I came here for the first time.

"George go tell your brother dinner is ready please." Mrs. Matthews spoke as she lead me towards the dining room. I guess she really likes me.

We chatted for a bit, she asked me what I wanted to do in life, and stuff like that, when suddenly I hear that voice, that kept me awake for nights.

"H-hi Garrett." I stood up looking at him, his face seemed a new expression I couldn't decipher.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, just staring at each other.

But it felt like an eternity.

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