Chapter one

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"Oh go talk to the guy already!"

"It's not that simple okay! Now be quiet or he will hear your loud mouth" you yell whisper as you and your friend hide behind a large newspaper in front of your faces.

Your friend decided one year ago today to visit a place you two had never been before, Duck Tape. It was a pretty unique place, it had a warm welcoming feeling and wasn't too bad for a bar. (friends name) decided to try to get you to drink but you weren't much of a drinker. After a couples rounds and countless attempts, your friend just gave up and drank all of them, which ended up causing a huge buzz to happen.

"Great, I told you not to drink so much" you reply looking at all the empty shot glasses on your table. Your friend was out like a light after you lectured him/her.

"Do y'all need some help?" You hear a deep voice say from behind you.

"No, I-i think I got it. I'm her designated walker but thank you" you reply without looking at the gentleman. You were so shy you hardly looked at men who spoke to you.

"Are ya sure miss? It's no trouble. It's closing time right 'bout now." he replied again. Might as well take his offer, your friends car was about two blocks away. You turn around to speak to whoever was nice enough to help.

"Actually I'll.." you stop mid sentence after seeing the face that came with the voice. He was adorably handsome, his dark hair hanging near his neck, wearing a dark grey button up shirt and dark blue pants.

He was a handsome guy, you never seen anyone like him. You must've been staring so long, you heard him clear his throat shaking you out of your trance. You see his face looking down, feeling you must've scared him off or something.

"I'll uh..i think I can handle him/her. Sorry for weirding you out" you nervously laugh.

Oh my gosh could I be anymore of a creep!


Shut up no one asked you!

Technically you did.


"You didn't miss. I was just not used to the stares you was giving me" he says as he stares to the floor again.

"Oh good I'm glad. Well um.. thank you I uh think I hear a graveyard calling my name." You reply nervously. He looks at you confused.

"I think I just died of embarrassment" you say as you shrug your shoulders chuckling. Making him chuckles a bit as well, his laugh making your heart race. You wanted to hear it again.

Before he could respond you put money on the table and dragged your friend out the door. Leaving the mystery man you now have a crush on wondering. Ever since that day, you've been coming by almost everyday but in disguises so he doesn't notice you. You weren't some stalker, just a shy girl who has no idea how to approach a guy as attractive as him. There's no way he would find you beautiful so you decided to watch from afar learning his name is Clyde Logan, he has a brother named jimmy and a sister named Mellie. You've seen them in the bar a couple of times, you couldn't help but be angry when you heard people teasing about his prosthetic arm. You still don't know much about it but you still found him perfect as he is.

Now today, you and (friends name) are back and he/she is pressuring you to finally get out of your shell and talk to him. You notice his brother coming in and sitting at the bar where Clyde is. You can barely hear what they're saying but you did catch something.

"Why don't ya celebrate Valentine's little brother?"

"You sure know why, them ladies from my past are my reasons and I sure don't want no repeat" clyde says as he is making his martinis with one arm. You found that to be pretty incredible that he can do things even with just one arm. Suddenly a light bulb hit you on the head.

"Perfect! (F/n) I got a plan!" You whisper excitedly. He/she looks at you confused, barely listening to the boys conversations.

"What went off in that little brain of yours huh?" He/she smirks. You roll your eyes.

"I'm gonna give him secret gifts until Valentine's Day comes."

"Why would you do that? Just tell him you have a crush on him for crying out loud" says as he/she sighs shaking their head.

"Because I don't want him to think I'm only into him for his looks, I want to prove I'm being sincere"

"And you think giving him gifts with no name like a creep will show him that? Really (y/n)?" Gosh you hated when (f/n) was right sometimes.

"I want to try, if he rejects me then I'll tell him in person, face the rejection and leave him alone. But if it works I'm gonna continue it"

"You need to stop being so negative, he might actually think you're gorgeous. I mean you're awesome So stop thinking that all guys will dislike you." You roll your eyes again. He/she sees that and grabs your ear like a child being scolded and bring your ear near his/her lips.

"If you roll your eyes one more time when i tell you you're gorgeous.. i will shove you and that bar tender into an abandoned shed lock the door and leave you and him in there got it?" Even sober your friend scared the hell outta you. You shake your head and he/she lets you go. (F/n) hates when you are negative about yourself, always has.

"So how will you leave him gifts?" He/she says as if they did not just threaten to
Lock you in a room with your crush.

"I was thinking maybe bribe someone to bring it to him or just come in a costume and leave it where he bartends without him seeing ME"

"Okay then what're we doing?"

-Day one-

You decided to start it off with a homemade gift which is how you thought about making him homemade chocolates, super excited to be baking something for someone for the first time you went right to work. After the chocolates were all done and packed up for tomorrow you decided to add a card in it.

Roses are red, violets are blue
Enjoy the chocolates I made, They're sweet just like you.

-secret admirer

This is not even being sincere ugh! I suck at trying to be romantic..

Atleast he gets free chocolate if he doesn't like the card

Gee thanks for the boost of confidence.

The next day, you decided to wear a light blonde short hair wig, wearing (anything you'd like as a disguise). You stayed for a while until closing time, some regulars were still there and Clyde was looking away from you. As swift as possible, you hid the gift near him and left the bar, heart beating so fast it was as if you ran a mile. You look inside to see Clyde opening the gift after someone pointed it out, you couldn't see his expression much but you could've sworn you saw him smile. His smile lit up something in your heart and you wanted to keep showing him your feelings everyday little by little.

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