Chapter ten

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Contains: might be a bit of a long chapter!, some fluff, some big showings of shyness. (I don't know what clydes place looks like much but I'm making it up sorry haha), some fluffy/shy side of Clyde.

Song inspiration:  didn't have one this time haha

A/n: (I wanted there to be a scene with them arriving at his house or maybe this will be the next day but I'm thinking maybe that'll be in a one shot I'll make separate or if I'll just add it in here. Also if reader seems like she's kinda easily getting flustered or something even after the scary incident, I wrote it this way because I don't know much about how people act after a scary moment like this plus I'm not really into a lot of trauma scenes so I hope that's okay. This will be set around maybe midnight. But for the first topic about whether this will be a next day moment or not,'ll have to read to find out)
It was a bit of a drive to Clyde's house as you sat in the passenger seat, fiddling with the end of your clothes. Not sure what to do. Your mind went briefly unorganized when you realized that you were going to your crush/boss' home for the first time ever.

Almost forgetting completely about the creep you just dealt with not long ago.


Wait..wait he's taking me to his house..What do I do when I get there? Should I just tell him? Nooo I want to tell him on Valentine's Day! I can't ruin my plan...oh gosh...But what if he asks me about the letters shouldn't I tell him before he asks? What if he laughs when he finds out it's me? Maybe he will find another girl...

but this isn't the time to be thinking about Clyde...but it's better than paused in the thought as you looked briefly at Clyde, he was still driving but his face seemed tense and his hand around the wheel almost broke it as he squeezed it every once in a while.

Your heart was racing hard like heavy machinery, worried Clyde could hear your heart beating. You looked out the window, still in a daze but hoping your racing thoughts would stop. Forgetting a lot more now what had almost happened not long ago with that man, Clyde could make you forget almost anything when you were with him.

You didn't know if that exact thought you had before was true until now.

"We're here." Clyde's voice brought you out of your thoughts. You finally noticed when you looked at the window that's been in front of you for a while now..

It was raining.

"O-oh um.." You look at Clyde then point to the rain as it poured all over the car windows. Clyde pulls out a jacket he had in the back and then opened his car door. You wondered where he went until the passenger door opening briefly scared you.

"Oh gosh! S-sorry." You chuckle nervously watching Clyde in the rain with the jacket over his head. He reaches his right hand out openly for you, with the prosthetic left hand holding up the jacket. You stared at his extended hand with your cheeks turning red.

Clyde didn't notice that you were blushing because of him.

"Come on, I don't want ya gettin a cold. We can share my jacket until we get inside." You take a hold of his hand as he helped you out the car.

Even though you didn't need the help, you didn't want to miss the chance to hold his hand, even if it was for a brief moment. He then pulls you into his arm as he moves his jacket more to cover both of your heads, you could smell the rain and it reminded you of food for some reason. Quickly you both walk towards Clyde's door, tripping a little bit but making it there finally. As soon as you reach the door, Clyde was about to remove the jacket from your head when he stopped and stared into your (eye color) eyes. The stare didn't scare you as you gazed into his warm hazel eyes, slowly both of you leaned in..

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