Chapter fourteen

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Contains: some angst, self doubt, fluff and cheesy love feels! Fair time!. (Photo above is what clothes Clyde will be wearing at the fair)

Song inspiration: I could write a book by Frank Sinatra.

A/n: so sorry for the late post! I wasn't inspired for a while and finally I got inspiration although it was close to Valentine's Day before over in 2023 for me to finally think of something but I'm glad I posted this chapter finally. I hope you guys enjoy this and there might be one more chapter coming with some loving (18+ only for that if it happens lol) please don't steal ideas but the Logan lucky characters aren't mine. Only written for fun.
~a few hours later, now morning time, Valentines Day~

"Come on (Y/n) get up! Get up get up!" Rubi was saying excitedly while she was on all fours bouncing up and down in your bed. It was so much bouncing that it eventually began to make you bounce along with her as you slept, causing you to abruptly wake up and keep yourself from falling off the bed yet again.

"Okay! Okay! I'm up! Geez woman what're you turning into tigger for?" You laughed as you looked up at Rubi. She was all smiles as she stared down at you.

"Because today is finally the day where you profess your love! It's Valentines Day!" She made hand gestures like the character lumièr from beauty and the beast. Pressing her interlock hands together onto one side of her cheek.

"Hahaha shut up!" You laughed but blushed hard in embarrassment at the realization. You remembered the day Clyde gave you that flower that meant 'your letter received' but then you wandered, had he always known it was you? couldn't be.

Suddenly Rubi broke your train if thought as you hear her saying your name and waving her hand in front of your face.

"Hmm?" You say quietly. Rubi scoffed softly and pointed to her wrist eventhough she didn't have a watch on yet.

"Don't you have to get ready for work today?" She asked and then you sat upright and looked at the alarm clock that was on the nightstand by your bed and your eyes widen in shock.

You completely forgot that you were scheduled to come today as it was gonna close earlier due to it being Valentines day. You instantly jumped off the floor and ran to get ready, leaving as you hear Rubi giggling as she noticed your cheeks were red knowing full well who you were thinking of right now. You dressed up in your jeans and a dark grey elbow length sleeve as it was only thing you could grab before Rubi and you ran out the door and to the car. You had just enough time to leave Rubi at her house so you can see her later today and drive on to work.

Your thoughts began racing as you began to think about Clyde, you tried to get your mind off of him as it was making you shy by turning on your music playlist and the first song that came on was 'I could write a book' by Frank Sinatra and it was one of your favorites. Usually you didn't wanna listen to romance songs when your intentions right now was to not think about Clyde when you had to drive but the soothing voice of your favorite singer as well as the lyrics you could hear made your heart race and you couldn't stop smiling as you began to sing the words.

'The simple secret of the just to tell them that I love you alot.' Your heart was fluttering as your favorite song was playing on your phone as you played it while you were heading to work.

You were smiling wide as you listened to more love songs again and again while singing your heart out, it helped you escape your worries for a moment as you parked in the parking lot of the bar. You left your car after locking it and you said hello to Earl as you came inside, you were thankful your blush wasn't easy to see from afar as you see Clyde at the bar cleaning it up and setting up some bottles beneath it for when customers come. Clyde heard you open the door and smiled seeing you and he gives you a nod and a wave as you waved back and went to help in the back to grab some glass to restock his station.

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