Chapter twelve

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Song inspiration: line without a hook? Or time is love by josh turner (let's just say I had a lot of music inspirations hehe)

Contains: might have some small bits awkward haha, long chapter again, flower shop involved, sweet Clyde!

A/n: this chapter got a little inspiration/idea came from JimJamsPlantGarden and I hope I made this person proud haha, enjoy!
You just couldn't believe it. There's just no way that had happened..

There's no way that happened to you. Could it?

"Hello!!! Earth to (Y/n)!" Rubi yelled as you stared blankly at your bedroom ceiling. You were completely zoned out as Rubi laid beside you in your bed waving her hand in front of your face. She had started your day talking about her usual gossip with co-workers, family craziness, anything that's happened recently with you and then she noticed you didn't look to be listening. You were looking as if your mind was somewhere else. She totally knew what's had your mind in a daze and the thought made her smirk in delight.

"Hey (Y/n) Clyde's at your doorway." Rubi teased trying to get you out of your trance. It worked, as soon as you heard Clyde's name leave Rubi's lips you jolted upwards from your bed and wiggled around causing you to accidentally fall off your bedside and onto your floor on your back. Thankfully you put a soft rug there not long ago.

"Ow..." You said in a rather annoyed tone. Not showing any signs you were hurt, thankful your rug helped ease your fall.

Rubi was totally enjoying how easily squirmy you were being now whenever you heard the sound of Clyde's name.

"Having some Uh.....romantic and steamy flashbacks are we????" She wiggles her eyebrows as she looked down at you from your side of the bed. Your face went bright red as you looked back at her. You covered your face with both hands in shame.

"Is it that noticeable?" You spoke finally, feeling your cheeks were terribly warm. Rubi squealed in delight at how adorable you looked when you got shy.

"Awwwwwwwwwww so cute!!" Rubi squealed with a big grin on her face.

"Shush Rubi!!" You said in a pouty sort of way as you covered your cheeks. Your smile was still forming however, feeling giddy and happy you don't seem to be dreaming.

"Why??? Come on he kissed your cheek! AND he bit the end of the cookie from YOUR mouth! That's the cutest yet hottest things to ever happen ever!!!!" Rubi giggled. You giggled with her wiggling your legs in the air.

"I knoowwwwwww but ahhh it feels like such a dream!" You gushed. But then Rubi went quiet.

"You know you're gonna have to explain to him about how you know him from almost a year ago. Well not 'know' him but how you met him long ago. It's February and almost Valentine's Day!. Also I totally forgot why you gave him a fake name." You both looked at each other thinking that last part out.

"To be honest...I forgot why I gave him a fake name in the first place too." You chuckled awkwardly. Rubi looked at you raising an eyebrow.

"Ugh I know I know I didn't think that part through! but I can't tell him I met him ONE night and developed feelings for him from not that long ago! He's gonna think I'm some stalker." You pouted and whined as you made a starfish like pose with your hands and legs laid out on the floor's rug.

"(Y/n)...girl listen, you didn't even stalk him after that night. You just showed up to his work in different disguises to see him- ohhhh....actually yeah you're a stalker." Rubi said with a teasing smirk and then you threw a pillow at her, making her laugh.

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