Chapter thirteen

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Song inspiration: what a man gotta do by Jonas brothers

Contains: Clyde being super adorable! Reader being awkward haha.

A/n: this chapter got some inspiration/idea brought to me by Heartofjakku And I hope I made them proud. Enjoy!
After the flower shop incident, Rubi was begging and pleading with you to tell Clyde your feelings for him the moment she found out what happened but you weren't sure. Your habit of overthinking caused you to have a massive headache so Rubi let it go and you just drove back the house, setup the flowers you bought in the middle of the dinner table you had and ended the day by watching movies together.

Now it was the next day and you went back to work, but you couldn't stop yourself from blushing at Clyde when he bid you a good morning as soon as you arrived through the door. You tried to remain calm and friendly, doing your work and helping Clyde or the other workers out if needed. Then Jimmy came into the bar to say hello and instantly after seeing the way you were looking at his brother when he wasn't looking, he knew instantly that you were really into him.

Now Jimmy was chilling at the bar where Clyde was, taking a drink out of his beer every so often and talking with Clyde about what's been going on with his girlfriend and his daughter. The usual routine whenever Jimmy came by alone to visit his brother. You were coming out of the back area and grabbed some more glasses to take and clean, you and Clyde made eye contact and Clyde smiled at you causing you to shyly smile right back. Jimmy noticed that Clyde was smiling a lot more since you came around and now he was really curious about what's going on.

"Clyde...Clyde my little brother..." Jimmy starts as you left to go to the back and Clyde looks back at Jimmy wondering what he's going on about now. "Ya gotta ask the girl out man. Ya clearly have a big crush on her." Jimmy chuckles as Clyde looks away shyly.

Jimmy was chuckling and then turned and saw as you came back out to grab some more dishes you couldn't carry. You noticed Jimmy there with Clyde and smiled kindly when Jimmy looked your way and smiled with a wave. You waved at him and then continued with grabbing the empty glasses from the tables around the bar.

"I don't know what you is talkin about." Clyde said rather awkwardly as he left his counter to move around the bar giving his customers their desired drinks. Ever since the flower shop incident the other day, he's been trying to keep things the same incase the hint he gave of him knowing it's you who's his secret admirer might scare you off, or atleast he thought it would so he pretended it didn't happen.

"Ah come on I know you two are eye ballin eachother. Just fess up and tell her before someone else asks her out." Jimmy teases but Clyde just rolled his eyes and mumbled what he had already told him a second ago.

"I don't know what you're talking about Jimmy.."

"Yeah right, we'll see who's the real clueless one little brother." Jimmy smirks as he gets off the stool seat and heads towards you. You looked up at the rather tall brother and chuckled as you had to lift your head up a bit like when Clyde stands before you.

"Hey there, Jimmy right?" You asked, you remembered when you met him when Clyde was helping you with your hand. Jimmy nods and leans in, giving you the head gesture to come closer so you do.

Clyde couldn't help but tighten his lips together as he watched you leaning in close to Jimmy as well.

"I need a favor to ask of ya, can ya laugh at whatever I'm saying?" Jimmy asked you. You don't change your facial expressions and tried to react the way he wanted although you were unsure why. You let out a laugh as you stood by Jimmy causing Clyde to send some glares into Jimmy's head. He chuckled as he knew he was glaring at him now, feeling it burning into his skull.

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