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how about i dont get up, throw this fuckin alarm out the window and die.
great plan.

"honey you gotta get up and go to work!"

"why the fuck do i even have to go to work!"

"i told you to stop cussing minho!! now get up and go to work!"

"actually id much rather go to work than be yelled at all day so maybe i will!!!"

"go to your room minho!"

"im already in my fucking room!!"
and then she walked out of my room. my mom and i hate each other but i still love her a lot considering shes the only friend i have — wow thats sad — and i know that she loves me too. but all of the lovey dovey stuff doesn't suit our family, more yelling and cussing and fighting, but like sarcastically? i dunno, its confusing.

i took a quick shower and then put on a black t-shirt and black ripped jeans. no bother a jacket, im gonna be inside all day so it doesnt matter. i slipped on my black vans before grabbing my bag and carelessly throwing it over my shoulder.

obviously i couldnt just walk out without looking at myself. the black t-shirt was too much black so i switched to a black and white long sleeve that was slightly baggy. finally i ran out of the house seeing i was late.

"shit, wth was i thinking its cold out here!" i was gonna go back and grab a jacket but i was already 30 minutes late. usually i would walk to the coffee shop but now i just had to straight usain bolt that shit. i'm already gonna get yelled at by my boss.

i ran in the coffee shop, the door swinging wide open and the little bell ringing loudly as i pulled out my phone and checked what time it was. 5:12 am, great.

"minho i swear to fucking god what the hell took you so long?? you had someone waiting for you!! since 4 am!!!" i looked around and then realized that the guy from yesterday was sitting in the same place he sat last while silently drinking his hot chocolate and jumping slightly at the yelling.

damn he looked cute today. he had on a beanie and his hair was a mess but it was really adorable. he was wearing just a normal black t-shirt with black jeans and over that he had on a flannel which was slightly covered by his coat. wait holy shit i've been staring this whole time with this weird as smile on my face.


"oh uhh, hi! sorry i kept you waiting."

"no, its fine! its just your boss' hot chocolate sucks, definitely not as good as yours."

i almost fell on the floor from laughing so much oh my god.



"oh, right. sorry" i looked back at the petite boy to the side and he was laughing quietly. hes cute.

wait no shut up minho you need to work.

only like one other person came during that hour, considering it was so early in the morning. i was standing lazily as i watched the boy play with my cat — that i was allowed to bring — as it sat in his lap and he smiled at it, his gums showing slightly which left me in awe. he was talking to it excepting it to talk back.

i came back to reality as the door opened and i stood straight up again, putting my focus on whoever was walking in. he was another boy about the same height as me. he looked so soft tho as a wide smile spread across his face revealing braces.

whoever he was the other boy was shocked seeing him there.

"jeongin what are you doing here?"

"oh, hyunjin sent me because he said you were takin too long."

"fuckin bitchass stank hoe, maybe he should get up himself everyday at 4 in the morning if i apparently 'take too long'" i tried not to laugh but seriously this boy is funny.

"sorry for playin with your cat uhh, minho! i'll see you tomorrow then!"
he waved cutely and i waved back.

"okay, bye um,,, name?"

"jisung, my name is han jisung!"
damn his smile is really pretty.

"bye jisung!" he waved again and smiled before exiting with the boy with braces.

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