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"i love you will you please be my boyfriend again?"

minho stopped talking as jisung asked him that question, he smiled before turning towards jisung and kissing him.

his lips still felt soft and warm, they still tasted like strawberry and jisung still made him melt and fall more for him just by kissing back.

the kiss was passionate and long, the two poured all of there bottled up feelings into the kiss as they molded together.

after some time they pulled apart, breathing heavily and catching their breaths. their lips were plump and red.

"ugh i missed you!" jisung yelled out as tears streamed down his face and he flew into the others arms, he felt safe and warm.

jisung no longer felt that sad emptiness in him and he no longer felt cold, he felt happy and protected.

they came back together and kissed again, minho cupping the youngers face gently in his grasp and jisung holding onto his waist.

"woohoo! good job guys, i was waiting for this moment for forever!! thank fucking god y'all got back together oh my god this is the content i signed up for." both of them pulled apart quickly catching their breaths again as their faces turned into tomatoes when felix and the others came out of literally no where.

"felix why did you interrupt!!"

"yeah dude you ruined the moment!"

"guys what do you think this is a movie? a fanfic? let me kiss the love of my life!" jisung angrily said before kissing minho again causing the older to turn even more red which had become a little worrying.

"oh my god they were watching!" minho whisper shouted at jisung, him just smirking back at him.

"who gives a fuck."

don't worry it's not over yet!!! they might be another few chapters left but i like how this is ending! also wHAT TGE FUCK ITS ALMOSF A T 1000 REASD IM FICKSJSSJSKAKDBWOAK THNAK YALL SO  MUCH FOR READIGN MY SHIRTY STORIES

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