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"Jisung? you woke up again. what's wrong?" Minho sat up and grabbed Jisung's hand, seeing as the other was looking around worriedly.

"M-Minho! i-i thought that you-"

"did you have a nightmare? hey, it's okay~ i'm right here. do you wanna go for a walk and get some fresh air? or do you wanna stay here and cuddle. anything you want, i don't mind."

"can we go for a walk please?"
Minho smiled softly at Jisung before standing up, his hand still latched onto Jisung's.

"of course, love."
Jisung smiled as he closed his eyes, the wind ruffled his hair, and Minho's hand held tightly onto his. he felt happy.

"the stars are so beautiful." after the comfortable silence Minho spoke up and Jisung opened his eyes, laying down on the ground and staring up above at the sky.

"yeah, i almost think that it's the most beautiful thing in life but then i remember that actually, you are."

"wow, that was-"

"honest." Jisung turned his head and stared into Minho's eyes, he was being completely honest when he said that Minho was the most beautiful thing in life. the way his eyes glittered and his soft dark hair would reveal his forehead when the wind blew. Jisung loves it, all of it.

"i love you so fucking much Minho, don't leave me or else i'll kill myself." Minho furrowed his brows at Jisung's remark.

"why the hell would you do that Jisung?"

"because i can't live without you, you're my whole life."

"what about your family, or your friends? what would they do if you killed yourself?"

"you're avoiding the main point of my sentence Minho, why's that?"

"because i love you Jisung, and i care about you but- ugh!" Minho turned over before Jisung could catch him crying.

"why? is there something wrong with me?" Jisung's voice shuttered as he sat up.

"no! never. there's nothing wrong with you Jisung, there's nothing wrong with us. except to some people, us is wrong..." the way Minho said 'some' caused Jisung worry.

"who gives a fuck about what people around us think, Minho i love you and you love me so whoever the fuck tries to tell us that is wrong is-"

"don't finish that sentence." Jisung turned around Minho, seeing that he was now crying.

"they're an asshole."

"b-but Jisung, what if they aren't. what if they mean so much to me!" at this point Jisung was completely confused.

"so you're saying, we're gay and in love and some people think that's wrong, i don't think it's wrong. so who else means a lot to you that would think us being in love is, is wrong?!"

"my mom Jisung, my mom thinks it's wrong..."

"b-but i thought-"

"she's not everything but she's just enough for me, and when i found out i was gay, i was scared. i was scared as fuck that something would happen. that my mom would love me, less." Minho's eyes started to flood with tears again as Jisung wrapped his arms around him tightly.

"my point is, my mom will find out at some point Jisung, i can't keep this a secret my whole life. she will find out and i will have to break up with you. so please don't kill yourself if that happens!!"

"i- i don't know what to do Minho, but until then let's just focus on each other okay? we'll figure it all out and hopefully will get back together again but as of now, we're still together, right?" Minho wiped his face and hugged Jisung back.

"of course Jisung, why the hell would i break up with you if there was no reason for it. i might have to if my mom finds out but let's hope i don't. i'm sorry."

"why the hell are you sorry dumbass! what the fuck! i love you so much you're just so perfect!! ugh Minho!" Jisung screeched out as if he was angry at Minho but he was really just trying to get Minho to laugh, and it worked.
k so like i said y'all didn't know what i have planned and this is only 1 out of 3 things i have planned that are big events in this fic, that is.

anyways goodnight loves, i hope that you have a great day/night! i will maybe update again tonight cuz it's the weekend and i'm probably not gonna go to sleep until like 5 am and then sleep in until 1 am but who knows! lol goodbye y'all <33

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