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2 years later. march 20th,
hyunjin's birthday

hyunjin had turned 20 and decided to spend it with his friends at the diner jisung works at

yes, they were all still friends and their trust and closeness only grew even more, super cliche.


"dumb bitch that was my job squirrel, i'm his boyfriend dude."

"i'm sorry you suck seungmin."


"shut your mouth! i still have costumers here! how about all of you calm down while i serve a few more people and then i should be all done with shift! we can all go to the arcade after this!!" jisung smiled widely, he returned to the counter with a cute lil sign hangin above that read the words 'order here'. the place had a very retro 90s vibe and that's what jisung liked about it so much.

he took someone's order before returning to the counter, his eyes wandering around the room.

it wasn't so crowded which was another thing he loved about it. he got the same costumers and sometimes new ones, all of them appreciated him though and jisung made sure to befriend all of them as well, he enjoyed it.

"what's up jisung! it's your favorite mans!"

"uhh, actually i'm sorry jackson, i'm gonna have to say no to that, hyunjinnie hyung is actually my favorite person-"

"i swear all i do is breathe and everyone suddenly hates me."

"dramatic much... anyways what do you want?"

"jinyoung forced me to come because he wanted to wish hyunjin a happy birthday, so i'll have to pass."

"rude dude."

"excuse me?"

"nothing! oh my god you're so over dramatic jackson! i still love you though. no homo."

"me too, no homo."

"y'all weird as fuck just hurry up already jisung where's my cake!"

"i have a few more people okay! i guess we're busier than expected today."

"hey man wassup! how's it going jisung? you seem to be handling the place well. anyways, happy birthday hyunjin! i hope- felix get off the table i never gave you permission to dance on my tables dude-" and then the owner of the diner showed up, the one and only bambam. as if we didn't already have enough of their crazy friends.

jisung sighed as a boy caught his eye, he didn't see his face as he was turned around but what he was looking at had caught his eye.

"you like those? someone special to me drew them a really long time ago, he put them up in the coffee shop he worked at and then gave them to me along with even more. they're good aren't they?" jisung was confused as he got no response.

then all of a sudden he was being engulfed in a hug that felt oh so familiar.



𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒑 ↺ 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒈 !Where stories live. Discover now