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woojin and chan were in college of course, they just chose to stay with the others instead of living in dorms in college, a possibility that they would talk less.

so they decided to just stay with their friends. they were gone a lot but always had time to hang out, of course.

jisung closed his eyes, he decided to go outside today, it was nice with a breeze. he was wearing overalls and a striped long sleeve, adorable obviously.

he thought hard about everything, or anything other than minho. he drank out of his juice box, yes his juice box, and sat up from laying on the grass.

don't do it. don't do it. don't do it. don't-

and yet he still messaged minho, knowing damn well he wasn't going to respond. and he would just end up crying at the end of the day.

when are you
gonna tell me
not delivered!

you know i don't
like being ignored
not delivered!

so why have you
been ignoring all
of my messages for
4 months?
not delivered!

are we... even a we
not delivered!

do you like someone
else... i know there
are people better
than me. so maybe
that's it.
not delivered!

or i was just never
good enough.
not delivered!

so i feel like anything going on right now in the fic is really boring and the only way we gettin some good bread is if i do a huge ass time skip, so i might do that lmao k byE lozeRz >:[

i use lmao tOo much

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