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about a month passed, jisung listened to his friends and decided to put minho off of his mind for a bit, he still was gone and still didn't respond to jisung's messages. he even still had jisung. blocked on everything, social media and messages.

today was supposed to be fun and productive but jisung just felt so droopy.

"hey, i thought we were all gonna go to the park today? what's up?"

"i dont know, i just feel so... bleh. my stomach is swirling around all crazy and my mind is just gonna explode. my heart aches too.."

"jisung, just try and get him off your mind for a bit. once we get to the park and you feel the fresh air i'm sure you'll feel better! now let's go!" jisung then was being dragged out of his bedroom by seungmin.




all of the boys got outside, they were wearing jackets because it was a little cold considering march had just begun.

felix, jisung, jeongin and seungmin all got on their bikes and sped up, laughing as they all went around in circles so they didn't go too far ahead of the others.

jisung changed his mind on his thought earlier, he hadn't really wanted to go and just felt like staying in bed but riding bikes in the cold early spring was amazing.

"i thought fall was my favorite season but i don't know now, spring seems like paradise!" jisung giggled as he stood up on his bike and glided on the empty road.

"today is a good day!" jisung agreed to jeongin's statement, jeongin always was happy and jisung didn't know how he did it but the happiness and adoration he radiated just made everyone cheerful.

"hey! last one there has to go grocery shopping next!" and just like that all of the young boys bolted on their bikes, the other boys walking just decided to continue to walk, not really caring.

by the time woojin, chan, changbin and hyunjin reached the others they were already swinging on the swing set and chasing each other around. all of them were a great bunch of friends, they all trusted each other and were always comfortable near each other as well.
i'm bored

and once again i was listening to bea's new album 'patched up' because i literally have never been so addicted to an album before, like this is amazing. i love music so much oh my god if i didn't listen to music at least once every single day i would go insane. like i listen to about 15 songs a day at the least. it's crazy.

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