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can we talk?

i know you hate me
A LOT right now and
i don't blame you, i
hate me for what i
did too

you don't have to
forgive me either,
i just want you to
know what happened.
delivered 8:32 pm

minho sighed to himself as he waited about 2 hours after he sent jisung those messages and he still didn't get a response.

he wasn't mad that jisung didn't want to talk, he understood. it's just minho wanted to tell jisung why he acted that way.

minho stood up from his bed and threw on a jacket and shoes before walking out of his apartment.

he didn't plan to go anywhere but he just wanted to take a walk, he put in his earbuds and turned on his music continuing to walk down the road.

it was dark out but not too dark so he could still see well, minho lived near the beach so it was a lot more windy and cold. he found himself walking on the beach because the chilly breeze was calming to him.

minho decided to sit down and take a break from walking, he sat on the sand close enough to see the waves crashing on the shore but not too close to get wet. this is what minho loved so much, the way his music eased him mind and how the cold air brushed against his face and left his nose and ears a pink shade.

minho came here to get jisung off of his mind but he just couldn't stop thinking about the younger. about how much he fucked up. how he left jisung without saying anything and pretended he didn't exist, how could you pretend you didn't know the love of your life? minho hated himself those 2 years for what he did and he couldn't change it. nor could he change the way jisung felt and he knew that. minho knew how horribly he treated jisung. how he deserved better. he wished that jisung never met him just so the latter didn't have to experience all of the pain and absence minho had put him through.

you're better off without me jisung. it was a mistake.

that's what minho's mind kept telling him but he didn't want to accept the fact that jisung definitely didn't need him.

but jisung does need him.

"ahh fuck!" minho decided innnot wiping off the tears that fell from his rosy cheeks, it was no use to so what was the point. they were just gonna come back again.

minho sobbed quietly into the sleeve of his jacket, god you're so fucking horrible, minho. jisung's never going to love you again.

don't worry, if you talk to him then it will be okay, it's not real love without fighting and then figuring out a new way to avoid something like that again. you just need to open up.

that's what the two voices said that argued in minho's head.

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