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today was the day! jisung, felix, changbin and hyunjin we're finally moving into the apartment across from woojin, seungmin, chan and jeongin's apartment. the people living there had recently moved and they all decided to split into two so they would have more space.

"i call sharing a room with changbin!"
felix yelled out as struggled to walk, the abundance of stuffed animals that all kept falling were slowing him down.

"felix, he's all yours, no one would even want to sleep with that triangle headass-"

"hyunjin i am this close-"

"guys calm down and hurry up, i can't wait to finally have space!" chan yelled out as the four complained and moved all of their stuff into their new rooms.

"I've finished. i'm gonna go to sleep now guys." everyone was surprised that jisung had moved all of his stuff so quickly. but it was really just because he didn't have much.

jisung quickly made his bed and then cuddled with all of his stuffed animals, burying himself under blankets.

"goodnight stuffed animals~" yes, jisung talked to literally everything don't judge him.
"wake up sleepy head! i made smiley face pancakes!" hyunjin opened jisung's door, all of the loud outside flooding into his room making him groan in annoyance.

"can i make it myself?"

"yep, we got whipped cream and strawberries and chocolate chips! you name it we got it!" of course jisung knew they would have most of the things he could think of that were sugary, i mean he lived with felix and hyunjin, you gotta expect a lot of sweet stuff. himself included.

"good morning!" felix smiled brightly at jisung, the other smiling back as he stood at the counter and started to make his smiley face pancake.

"we need to go to the store and get some furniture, like you think chan would help us wut that but i guess he's too lazy."

"you can shut up felix i'm not helping because you guys need to start working and buy your own things!"

none of them knew why they moved out all at the same time and decided to live together. mainly because they're young and stupid but they usually don't really think about it.


"jisung, what the fuck is that-"

"hey! don't judge! your just jelly 'cause mine is better than yours." jisung stuck out his tongue at changbin before looking back at his pancake and smiling in satisfaction.

of course it was a complete mess but he loved it for sure.

"look at mine jisung, see this is way better than your- whatever it is!"

"nope! i'm sorry to say but mine is way more creative! yours is just boring and literally everyone does that."

"i have to agree with jisung in this one hyunjin, y'all just need to make yours more cool and less, boring."

"yeah, felix knows what i'm talking about! we're just cooler than you guys!"

"you guys are such losers." changbin sighed before eating his breakfast.

"um, excuse me! w-well you know what changbin, at least losers are cool!"

"yeah yeah. sure, whatever you say jisung."
just so things are clear and this is kinda late but i'm gonna put their ages so there is no confusion.
anyways, i made most of them the same age so that it would work out better :/

woojin: 20
chan: 20
changbin: 19
minho: 18
hyunjin: 18
felix: 17
jisung: 17
seungmin: 17
jeongin: 17

thank you guys for reading by the way!

also i know this part sucks, it's just a filler.

and for music i was listening to a bunch of lofi, i wasn't really paying attention to the names of the songs though lol, one of them was controlla by idealism, i really like that one :)

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