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We were watching Alex doing his procedure, on our supposed to be surgery from Gallery.

"I seriously hate that guy," Cristina spat, I nodded in agreement, "Alex is vermin. That surgery is ours." I said while staring at the light.

I sighed while leaving the Gallery, texting Scott about my day.

I walked towards the intern locker room, and I went straight to my locker, I put in my combination, and it popped open.

I took the clothes out to replace the scrubs, and I changed into them.

They're comfortable, Scott did a great job, he picked a long sleeve black shirt, with black ripped up skinny jeans, and booties.

It's so better than Meredith's choice.

Then I looked at my phone after it signaled, it was from Scott.

Alex bursts in through the door, "god, I smell good. You know what it is?" He grunts, and I curled my upper lips in disgust.

He turned towards me after he opened his locker, "it's the smell of open heart surgery." I rolled my eyes at his smug tone, "It's awesome. It is awesome."

I glanced at him while he was walking towards me, "You gotta smell me," he leaned onto me, and I spat, "I don't want to smell you." At all.

He nuzzled into my hair, "Oh, yes you do." He sighed. Something in me snapped.

I swerved around, and I grabbed his scrubs, "are you fucking dumb or what?!" I screeched at him, and I pushed him against a locker, "look, I have more important shit to deal with than you! I have roommates, and boy problems," Derek popped up in my mind, I pushed the image away, "and family problems." I snarled in his face, Alex just yawned and looked around.

"You want to act like a little frat boy bitch, that's fine. You want to take credit for your saves, and everybody else's? That's fine too." Then the door opened, I chose to ignore it, "just stay out of my face." I spat, and I grabbed his sweaty chin to make him look at me, "and for the record, you smell like crap." I growled, and pushed his face away from me. I turned my head, and I finally acknowledge Derek, then I huffed.

I stormed towards my locker, putting my head in my hand, having a splitting headache all of sudden.

I saw Derek motioned 'what happened?', and Alex said, "she attacked me," I jerked my head toward him, and I nearly stomped my feet to get to him, only Derek stopping me. "Rae, Rae, Rae!" He grabbed my arms in a caressing way, and pushed me along with him. How does he know my nickname? However, I allowed him to push me backwards.

Then he turned to Alex, "you know, you might want to leave. Before I change my mind and let her beat you to a pulp with her tiny ineffectual fists." He gestured to the door.

Alex left after making a face at me. Derek slammed the door on him, and he turned to me.

I stared at Derek, while pulling my jacket out of the locker, "what?" He asked, I huffed, "nothing," I slammed the locker shut.

I stopped by the door once he opened it up for me, he looked at me expectantly, "nothing," I repeated. Derek sighed once I walked out.

There was so much to say, but they're lodged up in my throat. I felt my eyes watered, and I forced my eyes to push water back.


I was talking to Scott about our roommates, "they're everywhere. All the time. Izzie's all perky, and George does this thing where he's helpful and considerate, they share food and they say things and they move things, and they breathe," I huffed, "They're like happy."

He gave me a look, "I'm not going to say anything because if I did then I'd sound like Cristina, and I'm not Cristina, you are."

I huffed again, "you know it." He sighed, "So what, you're just going to repress everything into some deep dark twisted place until one day you snap and kill them?" I nodded.

"This is why we are friends." I scowled at him after he grinned at me, "we've been friends ever since I can remember," I hit him in the face with a pillow.


I saw Viper waiting in a chair, I was confused for a second then my eyes widened in horror.

Oh no.

Viper is holding his side and not looking at me, after I called his name. He starts to cough.


He tries to get up and I ran to him, but he falls. He's unconscious and blood is coming out of his mouth. "Viper!" I exclaimed, "someone page Doctor Bailey!"

"I'm on it." Someone close by said.

I lifted up his shirt, not going to like what I will see. His stitches have ripped open and the area around them has swelled up to the size of a small melon. I nearly gagged out of reflex.

Someone put him on the gurney, and I got on top of him, to keep the wound closed. "Move out of the way!" I hollered, and people scrambled out of the way.

We rushed into an elevator, and I complained that it needs to move faster.


After the surgery, and dealing with his friends...and Bailey. I sighed, rubbing my face out of habit once I arrived to the locker room.

I started to pack my stuff, and fixing my hair. I ran my hand through my handbag to find my lotion, and I found it.

I squeezed some into my hands, and I heard the door opened.

I smirked slightly, knowing who it is.

Derek closed the door, and looked at me, "it's not the chase." He looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes, "what?" I indulged.

"You and me. It is not the thrill of the chase. It's not a game. It's...it's your tiny ineffectual fists," I laughed, then he walked up to me, "and your eyes." I stopped laughing, looking at him in shock.

Wait...isn't it supposed to be hair?

"My eyes?" I asked, he smiled, "your eyes held all the emotions in when you don't show your emotions." My eyes widened, "and you're very, very bossy. Keeps me in line." He whispered, I smiled genuinely.

"I'm still not going out with you," I said mischievously, he smiled, like he knows something. Which I'm pretty sure he does.

"You say that now," he glanced at my lips, then my eyes, and he walked away, I slightly bit my lips.

He understands me without even knowing me...I'm in trouble.





Goddamn it.

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