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  "God," I groaned when the alarm started to blare.  I searched for it with my eyes closed, but I couldn't find it.

  I slowly peaked one eye open, and found it far away from the nightstand.

6:00 am

  I sighed, and reached for it.

  It stopped blaring once I slammed my hand onto snooze button.

  "You have to get up," I said, and Derek reached his arm around my body.

  "What? My God, what time is it?" He said blearily, then he snuggled up to me.

  I sighed in content, not wanting to leave his embrace.

  "It's 6, and I have pre-rounds. You have to leave before they spotted you." I rolled away from his embrace, and he tried to pull me back into his embrace. "Oh, come on, now. Why don't you just let them see?" He complained.

  I was not having it.

  Before I could say anything, Scott barged in.

  "Do you mind?" I whined, and Scott looked at me, "no." He smirks.

  I glared at him, and Derek looked confused.

  "Who's...that?" He hesitantly asked, and before I could say anything, "her person."

  I looked at Scott, mouth gaped.

  "By the way, keep your noises down. I'm pretty sure you woke the whole town by now." He smiles, and stood in the doorway.  I glared, "I'm pretty sure you slept with George when you got smashed the other day." I said smugly when I saw his eyes widened in surprise.

  "Oh well," he shrugged. "Get out," I hissed. He sighed, then left.

  I internally groaned, when Derek nuzzled his face into my neck.

  "You still need to leave." I protested when he dragged me back to his arms again.


    Cristina leaned in after the interns left to start their shift, "do they know its McDreamy keeping them up all night?"

  I shook my head frantically, "I hope not. I already have Bailey riding me, I don't need my roommates thinking I'm getting special treatment."

  We ran into the hallway, just in time for Bailey to hear her say, "O'Malley, Yang, Karev, go on to clinic."

  Then I glanced towards the window, just to see Derek putting eye drop into his eyes.

  "Apparently late night," Cristina whispered.  I jammed my elbow into her rib cage. She grunts, and glared at me.

"O'Malley, patients are waiting. You two come with me. Izzie, you're hanging with me today. Good morning, Dr. Shepherd." Bailey muttered when Derek came out.

  "Doctor Bailey. late night, Grey?" His eyes twinkled when he saw me.

  I felt my eyes nearly going into slits.

  "No, caffeine just hasn't kicked in yet." I gritted my teeth.

  "If you're at all religious, you would want to start praying it kicks in soon. There's a consult in the pit. Girl with a fever and abdominal pain. After that, Nicholas in 3311 needs his meds. Mr. Moeller's IV fell out, and he's a hard stick. Post-ops in 1337, 3342, 3363, and 2381." Bailey said, and I immediately started to write down on a piece of paper.

  "381, 3342, 3363, and 23... 81?" I repeated, and looked at her for clarification.

  "Why are you still standing in front of me?" Then Bailey told something to Izzie, and that was my signal so I ran off.


  "Can you lift your shirt so I can examine your stomach?" I asked gently, and Claire hesitated.

  "Where did you get these? Claire...you've had surgery recently. These scars are still pink." Once she lifts her shirt up to reveal the pink scars.

  "Don't tell my parents." She said quickly, and I sighed, "you did this in Mexico so your parents wouldn't know? What did you have done?"

She said nothing.

This is going to be a frustrating moment for me.


  "You paged?" I asked as soon I ran into Bailey.

  "Where are we?"

  "I did the consult, did the IV, the meds, the Post-ops, everything." I stated, and she looked at me, "how is your pit patient?" She questioned, and I sighed, "she's febrile and has peritoneal signs."

  Once Cristina walked by, I leaned towards Bailey, and whispered, "I think she had some sort of illegal surgery done in Mexico."

  "Botched abortion?" She seemed appalled, and I shook my head reverently.

  "No! She has four laparoscopic scars on her abdomen and won't say what they're from, the parents are clueless."

She interrupted, "she's a minor."

  "Seventeen. Freshman in college. And I ordered a CT scan."

  "So while she's there, the nurses couldn't get a Foley on Mr. Garay. He may need a Coude cath if you can't get a normal one in there. Write up post-op notes on all surgical-floor patients that had surgery within the last 24 hours. Be sure to document their EKG's and x-rays. Hunt them down if you can't find them." I nodded.

  "Right away," I mumbled.


   "Doctor Bailey, her stomach's stapled. She's had a gastric bypass." I said once I saw her coming.

  "And a bad one, at that." She said, surprised.

  I nodded, "we should talk to her parents."

  We walked together to Claire's room to pull her parents out of her room.

  "Gastric bypass is a procedure normally done on obese patients to help them lose weight." I said, and her mom burst.

  "Are you kidding? This means the world to her." When her dad said she didn't need to lose weight.

  I squeezed my hand into a fist.

  "But it is so typical of this girl to take the easy way out. She's done it with everything since she was a little kid." Mrs. Rice said in a snobbish tone.

  I sighed, and Bailey said, "Mrs. Rice, nothing about this is gonna be easy. She's gonna face a lifelong struggle with malnutrition unless she has surgery to reverse the procedure."

    Mrs. Rice wanted the surgery, and Mr. Rice didn't.

This is going to be complicated.

  "Unfortunately, there were complications with the bypass." Bailey said after they argued about Claire's surgery.

  "What do you mean?" He asked in disbelief.

  "She has what looks like an abscess under her diaphragm, and edema, which is a swelling of the bowel wall. I can't say for certain she'll recover completely." Bailey looked at them, and Mr. Rice looks more stressed.

  "Just do whatever you have to do to make her well, ok?" He looked like he wanted to cry, and her mom. Well, her mom looked like she was carrying victory.

  What a bitch.

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