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Unlike wolves, Vampires are unpredictable and can match the strength of two alphas.

It was said in the past the ratio to take down a single vampire is either an entire field of wolves are several alphas.

Not only do they match us in strength but they are extremely fast and very dangerous.  

I have heard the rumors of them being able to control and manipulate ones mind.  Though how much of this is true, that I wish I knew.  For centuries, vampires have gone into hiding and vowed to never stepped foot into another one's territories.  So to actually come across one was unheard off.

So what had changed?  Why is it that they are now showing up?

They are vile creatures who love to torture and enslave those whose mind belongs to them, nothing but leeches always scouring innocent souls for blood.

Though no one has ever come across a vampire much less seen one well if they do they are found dead. Just like some of our wolves who were found dead in the woods. Their neck with two bite teeth marks and blood drained completely.

When I had asked my father, he too knew less about vampires.

I had to go down to the library and check out the archives there.  It was covered in cob webs and dust.  

Most of those stories I have read seemed like fairy tales if you ask me or what you see in movies.

My mind was once again being rattled by these unexplained answers.

"Mr. Travis!" Sitting straight back up, my favorite teacher threw a chalk at me. Did she really throw a chalk at me.

"You have detention for not paying attention in my class." Her cheeks flared up in anger.

"Detention." The words drawled out, "And do I have the pleasure of having you watch me in detention."

"Unfortunately yes."

"Again Braydon." Tucker rolled his eyes.

"I can't help it if the teacher likes me back."

I heard him scoffed, "You are the only one who think that way."

He doesn't know what he is talking about. I seen how the teacher looks at me or glares at all the girls that clings to me. She may seem cold and callus but her actions says otherwise.

 It's just so fun messing with her. She's just so easy especially when she gets flustered.

Truth be told I could never actually be anything more to her than just one of her students. Sure she gives out the most adorable expression but my heart already belongs to my mate where ever she is. If it is a she. I just hope it's not a dude. If it was, I'd jump into my mind just to strangle my wolf to his senses. Not that I have anything against same sex but in all my life I had girls coming and going and to suddenly have a change in sexuality well my wolf is certainly crazy to want a dick rather than a pussy.

Later this after noon I sat here in her class room waiting for the teacher to arrive instead my eyes had widen at the person who walked through the door, "Arial." I whispered.

Looking at her from head to toe, her body was definitely a killer. All those curves, in all the right places. "Hello Alpha Braydon." She licked her lips seductively walking towards me stealing a seat in my lap. "I see someone's excited." She chuckled referring to my now harden boner through my denim pants.

It was denim so it wouldn't be standing up proud rather more like a bulged, still I needed to calm it down. The teacher would be walking in any minute.

"Teacher Amy, won't be here for another few minutes..." She leaned forward licking my ears, "Why don't I help you relieve your tension."

Wrapping her arms around me, she gently licked my lips, nipping on the bottom while I grabbed her arm and forcefully kissed her. She was in deed receptive to my needs.

Seff growled, she's not our mate.  

'True but we have needs don't we.' Every time I had a woman in our bed I would have to block Seff out of all his complaining. It was distracting me.

No! You have needs.  I would rather do it with the teacher.  He purred.  

'Who the hell purrs.  We are not cats.'  I taunted, 'but the teacher is also not our mate.'  Blocking Seff our I concentrated on the brunette in front of me.

Running her hands down my chest, she gave my belt a tug and unzipping me freeing my dick in the process.

Soon she placed her self between my legs, giving my balls a nice squeezing earning a groan from me.

Blowing air and lightly kissing along my shaft, her eyes gazing up at me. Neither one of us breaking eye contact.

Instantly my head was thrown backwards. "What the fuck." First a chalk now a chalk board eraser? I wince knowing who just walked in.  Once my head was up right I was met with a very pissed off teacher. Saying she looks angry was an understatement. She looked like she could take on an Alpha.

"Teacher Amy." I smiled innocently forgetting about Arial. "Oh shit." Pushing Arial away I zipped myself up feeling embarrassed for some strange reason.

Arial on the other hand looked like she rather enjoyed it, "Oh poo. Teacher Amy you ruined a good blow job unless you wanted to join us."

I wanted to slap myself than her for that stupid remark.

"Am I interrupting anything?" She calmly asked. Now that is the most scary thing about her. Is when she is calm. I rather get the angry version of her instead.

"Actually yes you were." Arial snapped.

"Shut up Arial." I growled. I didn't want to pissed of teacher Amy any more than she already is.

"Why...when you were..."

Growling at her, my Alpha dominance revealing itself while I watch her bow in submission. I wish I could used the same effect on the teacher her but alas she is human.

"Arial." She clicked her tongue, "Mind you this is my class room. This is my student. There is a no sex policy in this school whatsoever. I will have a word with your parents."

I watch Arial quiver in her place, "But teacher Amy, we were just having fun."

"There are other ways to have fun, now leave."

Stomping her feet she marched towards the door, "Just be glad I don't expel you but the next time I catch you in the act, I will have you expelled."

Without another word Arial left briskly making me laugh only to be short on my laughter. "And you, "You maybe an Alpha but let me remind you, you are not my Alpha so if I were you, I would refrain from any other sexual activities during school hours."

"Awe, is someone jealous?"

"" She hesitated, " wish!" Her eyes looking everywhere but me.

"Sure." Once her eyes found me again, I felt her palms pressed against my arm. Never has she attempted to touch me before and let me tell you, her touches were soft.

"If ever you find me jealous, you'd be the first to know." Her eyes battered. "Now the other day, what is it you wanted to talk to me about."

"Oh, well since you know a lot about our ancestor and our history what do you know about Vampires."

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