Mate Bond

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"Okay so, I do hope your projects are going well."  Sitting here at my desk I listened to teacher Amy talk while glancing at the clock.  My leg twitching waiting for the bell to ring.

I made sure I didn't miss her class this time.  So I sat in the front row.  She had avoided any eye contact and had not once thrown a chalk at me.

She is indeed mad.  I know that for a fact because her tone today was cold and harsh.  Maybe it was just me but I could feel her tense anger rolling off her skin in waves giving me the chills.

How could anyone who is not really paying no mind attention to me give me such terrifying chills.

Finally the bell rang, while I waited for everyone to gather their things and leave.

I sat here quietly leaning forward on my desk, my elbows propped up on my table while my chin rests on my fingers trying to find the words.

"Mr. Travis, class is over, I suggest you head to your next class."  She spoke not once looking at me while I continue to just gawk at her.

"Is there something you wish to discuss?"  She sighed in frustration.  I never miss her voice from across the room. "If it's about Saturday, sorry I couldn't make it, I had other plans. I hope you didn't wait for me too long." She smiled sadly.

Lies! Why are you lying. At least give me a chance to apologize.

Deciding to stroll up to her with much courage, "I..."  Pausing in my sentence she returned my gaze.

"Braydon."  My ears perked up to that sweet melody.  Sometimes I cursed the gods for giving me such a mate still I can't help but melt at her touch.  Feeling the sparks on my fore arm, she tip toe to kiss me.  And as much as I wanted to reject her kiss right now, I couldn't.

My wolf wants this and some part of me wants this as well and yet I didn't want this.  Fuck!

I groaned as I felt her slip in a tongue.

"Ehem."  Then pulling away I realized I was once again met with blue angry yet sad eyes.  It was just radiating off the teacher in waves.

"Hi, I'm Rachel Morano, Braydon's mate."  She held out her hand. "You must be Amy."

Looking at the teacher, I could sense her confusion as her eyes downcast, heart beating rapidly, "That's teacher Amy to you and Mr. Travis Mate?"  She stated which sounded more like a question.

Why the sadden expression teach?  I thought you'd see me nothing more than just a student is what I wanted to ask but didn't.

Because I know now we can never be.  I found my mate, I have my mate and that's what's important right, my why do I feel so torn.

"I know, I was shock to know I had bagged an Alpha."  Rachel giggled.

Her giggle sounded soothing to my ears and yet her words had annoyed me.

Seff didn't care anyway as long as he had his mate.

It's like he had forgotten how it was like to be in teacher Amy's presence.

"Well, you are lucky.  Take good care of him."  Teacher Amy chuckled nervously before briskly picking up a stack of papers.

"I best be going now."  Without looking away and the papers against her chest, I watch her scurry off into the door way.  More like colliding into yet another door.

Her papers scattered all over the floor, "Oh, excuse me."  I watch her once again gather her things."

Seff as if he was aware of what had happened whimpers.  I could fell his turmoil debating if we should help her stand or continue to stand by our mate.

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