Vampire vs Werewolves

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Have you ever wonder about your life.  Perhaps thinking what you could've done.  How you did it and what you did.  If you would regret anything.

It is ever said if you are at the brink of death your life flashes right before your eyes.

Well when I had woken up this morning I was ready and I didn't want to be surprise.

The packs where ready too, we all gather our supplies and made sure we were heavily equipped.  We had a battle strategy.  There will be some in human form and some in wolf form.  We had to take them by surprise.

Some women who are well trained and are capable decided to fight along side the men.  It is their home too so why should then stay at home and wait.

The waiting part is the hardest.  There were families who cried, mates he threw a tantrum but each one wanting to do their part.

I and the other Alpha's made sure we were will prepared.  And in doing so I had paid a visit to Rachel who was still crying her eyes out in the hospital room.  I am planning to reject her but she is still my mate and the mate bond isn't completely broken yet.

As for Amy, she was now very quiet in her room.  All night at first she yelled and scream to let her out.  It must've tired her but I knew for a fact she was awake when her breathing and heart beat became erratic.

She didn't talk even after I tried to talk through the door.  We had given her food but she just continued to sulk not even taking a bite.  I was worried but I'll make it up to her when I come back.

Now I feel the blood coating my coat.  When we arrived at the center of our home town supposedly where the White Oak Tree was located we were met with hundreds of vampires.  But no one posses the amount of power that Dalia had given off.

My guess is these are more like newbie vampires.  I had recognized some of them down at the human town when I go there to run some errands.

And I don't feel any of what my grandfather calls them The Firsts.  If they are here I don't feel them at all.

We continued to push forehead.  There were a lot of headless vampires.  As I recall the white wolf who easily decapitated one, I would assumed for our wolves to do the same.

As well as vampires we had lost a few good wolves out there.  Some of them are my men when I felt their in pain and just nothing.  Like we were missing something.

These lower vampires where nothing compared to what I felt when I had seen Dalia.  Now she was something else, she was frightening.

Hunter hopped to my side as I was now surrounded by six vampires.  One I could handle but six.  They are already strong and one of Hunter's warriors where pulled apart by four vampires as they had ripped his arms and legs off.

They were in deed gruesome.

Growls had erupted, shouts, and it was all chaotic.

Some of the pack where growing tired but the continued to move forward.

Suddenly a slight whimper could be heard.  Turning my head I seen my beta Tucker in dire position being cornered by two vampires.  

One had his arm around Tucker as the other approached him slowly.

In a quick haste I was able to rip his head off watching his head fly while Tucker kicked his way out.

"Thank you."  He mind link me.

Heading back to the battle, I saw more wolves fall.  We had more wolves fall than vampires.

Even those who doesn't have a wolf choose to fight which includes my dad and grandfather.  They were skilled in their prime now with weapons in their hands who says they can't protect their home.

The vampires gathered more.  It's like the more with kill the more they come.

Soon a growl was heard in the distant, a furious growl and she appeared by my side.  Growling causing the vampire to quiver.

Her growl even sent shivers down my spine.

In her white fur coat I watch her take on each vampire like they were nothing but a pebble in her shoes.

At that moment I thought we stood a fighting stance, she was in deed a great fighter and I couldn't wait to see who she is or at least have her name.

After a few more kills, the vampires had pulled back surrounding the white wolf while we Alpha's tried to stand our ground. 

Good thing the Alpha's are still alive and striving.

With her paw she clawed her way out until all the vampires pulled back.

What ever wolves we had left which is quite a few we gathered together.

All the Alpha's in front side by side, then the beta's, third commands, gamma, pack warriors and so forth stood behind us.  Some in human form with scratches naked might I add and some in wolf form and the white wolf stood proud and tall besides me.  Her once white fur now covered in blood.

We growled and roared at the vampire who also stood their ground hissing at us, threatening us with their fangs and claws.

Watching for their next move, the vampires part to make way for the vampires we had trembled.  The Firsts.

There were an older man, an older woman, two girls one being Dalia, and two boys all with glowing red beady eyes.

Each one calm and collected not like the vampires we fought earlier.

Stepping forward the old man gazed at the white wolf before smirking, "Shall we talk."  He spoke roughly with a harsh bored tone. 

We continued to growl at him, "We do not understand wolf."

Nodding our heads all the wolf shifted back into their human forms except for the white wolf.

Maybe she was shy.  After all, we were all naked.

Perhaps we can discuss this matter and no more blood shall spill.

"And you."  The old man gestured towards the white wolf who only growled in her place.

Snapping his fingers, the older woman handed him a robe and tossed it to her.

With her snout I watch her dig her way into the robe, the hood falling onto her head.  She was probably shy about being naked in front of all of us.

Soon with her bones cracking, it was now shifting back into its former place.  Long black hair fell from her face, with the hood covering her head, arms and legs came out of the sleeves and feet, her bare feet was now sticking out.

We have not yet seen her face but the robe had cover her up, "Are you not going to stand."  The man glared at her.

Hesitating she stood now on her two feet and I was dying to see her, my heart rammed against my chest when she was smelling of honey.

Finally standing up the hood of the robe fell back wards and I gasped in shock to see who the white wolf had belong too.

In fact we all did because never in our life expected it to be.  She hid it well.

"Amy."  She turned to look at me, her blue eyes giving us a sad smile.  

"Tsk Tsk Tsk."  The old man caught our attention, "Are you not going to welcome you father sweet daughter Amerie."

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