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"Morning babe."  Hands, soft hands tickled my side.

"Morning to you too." I don't remember when I had the best night sleep ever but being in the arms of my mate, well you haven't live until you found your other half.

"That was an awesome night."  She giggled.

"In deed it was."  I held her close to me, her legs overlapping mine, her head on my chest.  I know I may have had other flings but having it with your mate is amazing.

"How many times have we done it?"  She chuckled probably reliving those moments.

"I lost count after the thirteen time."  It was true.  Once we had found each other I had taken her home and well not once have we let each other go.  In fact this whole room reeks of sex.

As an Alpha, our need to be with our mates are stronger than any one else.

"Oh, what time is it?"  She ask removing the blanket that had covered us both.

Glancing at my watch it was way past noon.  "Half past three."

"We missed breakfast and lunch."  She cooed.

"And last night dinner as well."

"How about," she started, "how bout we have another round."  Her giggle was contagious and I couldn't help but return her giggle with a chuckle.

Flipping her around so I was now on top of her, "And another round after that."  My lips inches from hers.  I didn't care if I was hungry, hell I could eat her all day if I wanted to.  Which I had last night.  "Unfortunately I am out of condoms."  Yes I had used condoms.  I wasn't ready to be a dad not until I know for sure Rachel has truly changed.  After what Hunter had told me I did find that disturbing.  Why would she force herself on him when she knows he has a mate.

She sulked.

I know I shouldn't considering the circumstances but when you are with your mate everything rational goes out the window.  I guess I could pull out.  And Seff, well he was just happy being in his mate's arms.

Although I do hope no one in my pack house has heard us.  I mean the walls are sound proof because I couldn't bare to listen to others mate and all but with the hearing of wolves you never know.  And on top of that, word hasn't gone out that I have found my mate.  Thank goodness.  Surprisingly the ones who knew kept their mouth shuts.

Licking her ear lob until a voice I want to kill interrupted, "Braydon so how was lunch?"  I turned my head to see a very shock Beta, my Beta standing in the door way speechless.

"Out!"  I ordered.

I waited until he closed the door and seconds later he reopened the door, "What the hell did I just say."  I made sure to cover Rachel up in the process.

"Whose the bimbo?" He finally speaks.

"Watch what you say."  I growled.

"Fine no need to get testy but you did go to your lunch right?"

What the hell is he talking about?  "As you can see I was busy," I gestured to the now timid Rachel who laid beneath me.

Tucker who only grew more shock, "Braydon may I have a word with you."

My irritation grew, "What ever you say, you can say in front of Rachel here."  I sat up on the bed.

"Ok.  One word, Amy."

"Teacher Amy?"  I asked confused, "What about her?" I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"What the hell man, you have been goating on her to take you to lunch which was today and your forgot about it."  He yelled.

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