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"What the hell was that?"  I shouted to myself.

We were back at the pack house discussing what we just had witness.

Hunter immediately called for a pack meeting with all the Alphas and the elders.

He proceeded to explain about his third in command and that she demon disguise as a female human.  

She, Dalia, didn't look like no ordinary vampire.  Her fangs were hidden and her nails were retracted.  The only thing that she had were those red beady eyes.

"Son, and she let you live."  My father put a hand on my shoulders trying to calm me down.

I was fuming and the room was now suffocating because of my Alpha dominance leaking out.

"Calm down son."  Listening to my father's voice I lowered my rage.

"So you have really seen John."  A female wolf asked with tears in her eyes.  And from what I am seeing she is John's mate.  I can't help but feel sorry for her.

"It's like he was there but he wasn't.  His mind is being manipulated."  Hunter answered her unanswered question.  "Don't worry Mel, we will find away to bring him back."

I don't know how true that was.  He was their's now and he was most definitely a vampire too.  At least we know your wolf doesn't die if you turn into one.

Mel sobbed and I had the urge to comfort her.  No mate should witness what we just did.  A mindless puppet in the palm of those things.

"So it is true, the can control you."  Alpha Lucas voice spoke up.

"From what we can tell, they only control you if you have been turned by one of them."  Hunter replied crossing his hands.

"She was sick, that much we know."  I answered.  "Dalia."  Her name on my lips seemed recognizable like I had spoken her name once before.  But how could that be when I only heard it this time.

"What did you say?"  Grandfather came strolling in with one of his many books.  "That name, were have you heard it?"

"It was the name of that vampire Dalia."  Watching grandfather who began to tremble.  

"She is no ordinary vampire."

All eyes were now on grandfather as the room that was once filled with worry and chatter was now filled with curiosity and silence.

Opening the book he held it up to a page with another photo.  It was like a family of vampires with all their red beady eyes.  Oh, how I wish I could shove a fork in them.

"These my friends are whom you called the Firsts."

"The firsts."  Voices flew by.

"Yes, the very firsts of these monsters.  They are hard to kill but there was one who manage to cause an uprising, who stood up against these vile creatures.  Once they were many but now they are only a few.  The one who revolted was able to kill some of them."

"Is that person alive?"  Father asked.

"You fool, this happened centuries ago you think he would be alive."  Grandfather shook his head.  

"A he, a man?"

"Haven't you watch vampire movies, of course its a man, who else could take on such a creature what was his name, Val Heng."

"You mean Van Helsing?"  Mario finished, "Those are just movies old man."

Grandfather glared at Mario.  He hated to be known as an old man.  

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