Seven Alpha's

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The room was up to chatters in here.  It was even hard to hear what words were spoken considering our very good hearing.

"We must come up..."

"No..we have ah..."

"These things...."

Yes throughout the night one or the other were talking over each other.  I guess having everyone who is a high ranking official in the same room is not a good idea.

Seven Alpha's myself included along with their seven packs of whom will be helping us.

"Where do they even come from?"  My head whipped towards Alpha Peter.  This Alpha was not like any of us, he was more of an aloof always joking sort of guy never taking things serious.

Then you have Alpha Kevin, he is not the strongest but he is smart and able to calculate things.

Then you have Alpha Lucas he was more of the quiet, never adding his two cents in and when he does it's more coming out of a threat.  I feel sorry for his mate, she was the out spoken one.

Alpha Sergio is more like a very hot headed sort of person.  He thinks with his fist and is always very temperamental.

And Mario, he is cool but one of the oldest Alpha's here.  He has no sons sadly but does have a daughter which is okay.  Just that who ever his daughter mates with will be the next Alpha.  I just hope her mate isn't power hungry.

Last you have Hunter who could be brutal but is level headed aside from me that is.

The talks were now become shouts well more like yelling.  How can anyone decipher what anyone is saying.

"Silence!"  I held up my hand ordering for the room to quiet.  The Alpha growled at my order but right now I couldn't be bothered.  They needed to listen and if I have to shoot down their pride to do so then I will.

Looking towards Tucker and Chris who was stuffing their faces with food I chuckled and yet I was amazed they both were able to convince the nearby pack to rally against these demons.

The Luna's were busy gossiping on the other side of the room sipping wine not minding their mates who only looked at them in awe.  Rachel included.  

Before this meeting I had warn her to play nice after all she is representing my pack.

"Is it true that you hold captive of one of these creatures?"  Peter's beta what was his name again, oh hell I forgot questioned.

"Yes," Hunter chirped in.  "It wasn't easy but Alpha Braydon, myself, Alpha Kevin and Alpha Mario was able to subdue the vile creature."  He crossed his arms.

"Has any of you heard about the blood moon."  I recall that monster had mentioned it to Amy down at the cell.

Everyone gave me a confused look, "Blood moon?"  They too had no idea what that is about.

"I do." Just then it was Taylor who piped up.

Standing next to Hunter all eyes were now on her, "My father Alpha Conrad had spoken about the blood moon.  It's a myth or so I have heard."

Oh great another myth.  "However it only appears every millennium."

"Can this myth be true?"  It was Lucas turn to speak.

"I don't know how true it was but considering the blood moon comes from the demons mouth it must be."  Looking around, the wolves here were exhibiting their alpha dominance.  Since when did this become a competition.

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