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"You are a monster." Stone after stone, she fled.  

Her head was now cracked a bit, bleeding.  Not minding the pain she was feeling she fled.

"Why do they hate me so?"  She cried to no one but herself.

The rain had poured earlier washing away her tears.  Yet another placed, another place she once called home, she was driven out.

"Why are you crying?"  A familiar voice caught her attention.  As if there was a slimmer of hope, the sun peered from the sky.

She hadn't realize she ran towards the only place that had accepted her.

Turning around she smiled, "Your tears don't suit you."  With his thumb he gently wiped her tears away.

"You have been gone for two winters and now you are back, I am glad."

"You are?"  She asked skeptically.

"Of course, I have miss you."  His arms pulled her into his embrace, the sparks, the tingle shot up and she had melted at his touch.

"I miss you too."  She smiled gleefully thinking that someone cares for her.

Pulling back, "The people do not want me around."  Her voice sadden.

"None sense.  I want you.  I was lost when you left. Where have you gone?"

"I had to take care of something."

"And did you?"

"No, I didn't have the heart too."

Not wanting for her to go further into details he dropped the questions he wanted to ask.  All he wanted was her, the feeling of her being in his arms.

"Come, I have something to show you, close your eyes."

She hesitated, after all most people hated her so why shouldn't he?  Doesn't he hate her at all?  She wondered.

"Trust me."  He smiled innocently.

Taking a chance she closed her eyes while he held onto her arms leading her away from the homes.

They had walked for a few minutes, her feet felt like it was floating on a soft cloud.  "Open them."

Slowly opening her eyes she winced like she was expecting pain that never came.  Instead she marveled in awe at the sight before her.  White wild lilies covered the entire meadow.

It smelt like honey.  Running on barefoot she laughed while he watched in amazement.  Her laughter had brighten and to him it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.  She was just plain gorgeous in his eyes despite what others may say.  The butterflies flew, scattering everywhere on contact, white butterflies.

The man continue to watch in admiration for this girl before him.  The one who brings joy and happiness in his life.  He couldn't imagine not ever meeting her.

Until the sun was replace by the high risen of a moon, his eyes locking with the round object as it turns red on sight.

Looking back down the girl who was frolicking moments ago seemed no where to be found.

Frantically he began to search for her, his heart fearing she is gone from him forever.

The flowers had wilted as he passed by them, some even bled.

A shadow now lurking in the dark, as cold as it got, it grew somewhat stuffy.

"Where are you?"  He shouted worriedly something may have happened to her.

Far in the distant he heard the sound of rummaging, as he neared it, he froze on spot as he had spotted her from behind, "There you are.  I was worried.  Come."  He held out his hand for her to take.

But instead she just stood there.

"Please come."  He begged.  Why wasn't she turning around, why is she just standing there.

"I'm sorry."  She spoke softly.

Turning around slowly, her eyes were close as he gasps in shock at her appearance and what was in her hands.  She was covered in blood from head to toe, her hands were not empty but they were gripping onto a hair, just hair that was followed by only a head.  

Looking closer he jumped back frighted for that head belong to him.  That was his head that she was holding.

Smiling, she smirked opening her eyes revealing nothing but emptiness.

Staring into the eyes of the one who he thought she loved, it was just like the moon, which glowed red in the dark, before she charged at him, he yelled, "Amerie."

"Amerie!"  I awoke with a startle.  My hands were trembling.  My heart was now palpitating and my breathing erratic.  I have never felt that much fear before in my life.

"Amerie?"  I whispered wondering why that name was all to familiar.

Recalling that horrible dream, it felt all too real.  Though the faces were still a blur I felt real fear and this coming from an Alpha.

"Amerie."  I repeated rising to my feet and pulling out one of my library books Dawn of a New age.

Flipping to the first page, the book that was written by was blackout however as I recall Amy stating that this book was written by a person named Amerie.

I closed my eyes trying to recall her face, it was frightening to even think about her.

Turning the pages until my eyes once again landed on the old photograph.  I wish the photo wasn't scratch off so I may seen her complexion instead it was just her eyes, those soft blue eyes.  Where have I seen them before?

Fuck this is maddening.  I began to pull at my hair.  Why can't you just leave me alone?  My hands now gripping the ring around my neck.

Pulling it from the chain I glared at it, I believe it is this rings fault.  Throwing it in the trashcan I huffed, "Hopefully the nightmares will stop."  I grumbled.  

Truly that ring has been giving me nothing but bad dreams.

I have never felt so dejected before.  The longer I stay awake, the longer the dreams seem to escape me.  But the tremor that I had felt, it had shaken me.

"What the hell do you want from me?"  I glared at the old photo, her eyes seeming to be staring back at me.

Grabbing the book I attempted to rip it half but stop myself.  Reminding myself that this is an old book and I'm sure there isn't more of this book just laying around.

"Amerie."  My fingers ran through the photo gently, I am sure whoever she was she looked lovely.  I continue to observe her dress, it was white with long sleeves trimmed with laces and diamond beads.  It sure was beautiful.

Probably too old for the tastes of these girls here but it is truly unique.

"Alpha Braydon."  My head turned towards my third command Greg who is doing great at his job.  He was a Gamma but with the promotion he earned it.  After all he is one of my best fighters.

"Greg, we are not in a formal meeting so it's Braydon."  I encourage my pack to call me by my first name when not in an official pack meeting.  Calling me Alpha makes me feel old.

"Tucker contacted us and said Alpha Kevin is having the same problems and wish to discuss it with us as well."

Good, nodding my head a thank you, he left.

That's one pack that are going to aid us in a battle.  

Still I can't help feel with a heart full of dread.   Instincts telling me this war can either be in our favor or this will be the end for us wolves.  I just hope it's not the second.  I just hope we won't have loss as much as we gain.

I just hope we stand a fighting chance. 

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