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My head whipped backwards feeling a slight blow on my forehead.  The class once again laughing.  You would think the floor would be covered in chalk right now.

"Mr. Travis."  Teacher Amy yelled, "Detention after school."  Detention again.  I would love to go to detention but I have a date with Rachel.  I promised her that I'd take her to the movies.

"I'm sorry teacher Amy but could we do detention some other day."  I gave her my sad puppy face.

"Unless you have an important engagement to attend to, you will be doing time in detention."

"Actually I do."  The class looked back and forth between us seeing who will win in this banter.

"And what would that be?"  With her back turned she began cleaning her chalk board.

"I promise my mate to take her to the movies."  I honestly answered.  Though it didn't sound important but to mates they are important.

Teacher Amy abruptly dropped the chalk board eraser, "Well you should've thought about that instead of day dreaming in my class."  She glared at me looking angrier than before, "You still have detention by the way and if you skip out trust me you don't want to find out."  Her arms crossed.

I wonder what she means by that.

After class Rachel met me by my locker, "Let's go babe."

Grabbing the back of my head, "Listen Rachel.  We have to reschedule."

"What!  Why?"  She asked.

"I have detention."

Throwing her hands in the air, "Don't tell me it's with that teacher."

I nodded my head preparing myself for a scream, "Fine but I'm coming with you."

"No, go home and wait for me."  I lowly ordered.

"No, I told you I don't trust her with you alone."

Sighing in resignation we both walked into detention together, teacher Amy leaning against her chair with her leg propped up on her desk, her brows furrowed together once she saw Rachel and I walking in together.

"Excuse me what is this?"

"We will be having detention together."  Rachel replied.

Standing up she slammed her palms on her desk, and flinched.  It must've been way to hard because her face contorted in pain.

Leaving Rachel's side I took teacher Amy's hand in my own soothing it with my own.  Seff purred at the touch of her.  I hadn't realize both her palms where bandage.  Why am I only noticing it now.  But before I could even ask what happened I was interrupted by a shrill.

"Braydon."  Rachel screamed.

"I'm fine Mr. Travis thank you for your concern but let me remind you this is detention not some date night."

"For your information Amy, you are holding my mate captive and I will not let someone come in between us especially you."

"That's teacher Amy to you."  

This is the one thing why I don't usually date regularly, it's because of women drama. 

A few minutes later I was sitting all the way in back and Rachel was sitting all the way in the opposite side.  A Plant stood in between us.  Was this some kind of joke?

Rachel's burning rage was leaking everywhere while the teacher smirked in her place.

"You are right Ms. Morano, I am no longer in between you."  

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