The Pack House

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Today is very lovely, everyone running around, the kids playing their games and the adults seem to keep on moving.

I would've found this quiet amusing instead irritation filled my mood. My students kept quiet in their seat while I scratch the chalk against my board. My students flinch at the sound.

I didn't mean to but when a certain Alpha seems to be avoiding you, well all hell break loss.

Hell he even made poor Greg picked me up from home and drop me home. I could see his reluctant eyes but he smiled anyway.


It's been months since I last talk to him and class has been canceled for awhile. I was upset, students of course continue to attend even though I had nothing else to teach aside from the presentations they were all suppose to give me.

I wanted to stay at home seeing I am now out of a job but with all the vampire sightings, I am on lock down here at Braydon's pack house. I still don't understand why he refuses to let me leave considering I have not once spoken to him since that one time he had chosen Rachel over me. Speaking of Rachel she should be due any minute.

And Tucker who has been back for quite a few days was too busy to even acknowledge me. After all this pack house is becoming crowded and full with wolves from all over.

Good thing that this is a big house otherwise I'd feel really stuffy in here.

Hunter's pack and Kevin's pack are here making their selves at home along with several other pack whose Alpha's I don't know yet. I think a total of seven packs. Imagine all the Alpha gathered in one room is too over bearing. All that male dominance, testosterone under one roof. The girls have been dressing less and less probably trying to bag themselves a high ranking official. Thankfully all the Alpha's are either married or mated.

And Taylor, Hunter's mate had given birth to twins. Twin boys. When I had spotted Hunter and Taylor I smiled at the happy family. I have never seen someone glow every time they set their eyes on each other.

It's sickeningly adorable. But I am glad. I'm just mad at my self to know when I had seen her throughout her high school year I wasn't able to aid her in her troubles. But I knew that she would come out on top. She was always strong.

Walking along the corridor everyone seemed to be in a frantic state. I could only image what is going on. Unfortunately every time I try to pry myself into their conversation they would clam up and dismiss me. It's like just because I am human I can't be trusted.

Something is going on, and as much as I would like to find out what, I didn't force myself, perhaps just a bit curious.

"Amy." My head turned towards the stairs to see a wobbling Rachel.

Why is it I can't seem to get a glimpse of Braydon but Rachel is everywhere I turn.

"Ms. Morano, how may I help you?"

"Why are you still here?"

"What do you mean."

"Well class is cancelled and you are a human after all so you have no reason to be here." She scoffed.

"You are very right. I shall take my leave. Have a good night." Nodding my head I turned on my heels trying to make my way through the sea of wolves.

Had they heard. Of course they did with the looks they are now giving me as if I don't belong here.  It's happening again.

As I was walking two she-wolves decided to block my path, "Could you please excuse me?"

One of the wolves rolled their eyes, "Why are you just loitering around this pack house human." She made it sound like I was nothing but a diseases.

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