Teacher Amy

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Standing here at the edge of the woods naked just basking in the moonlight, Seff was angry and so was I.  Leaving Rachel back in my room I went for a run. 

I don't know how long after I left the cafe that I stood here being angry at myself.

Shifting, my paws now replaced my hands and feet as I heard my bones cracked, shifting into my dark jet like black wolf.  My teeth and nails becoming elongated, my hair sprouting everywhere, my bones now bending taking its position. I was bigger than any other wolf but what do you expect of an Alpha.

I don't think I could ever get used to this but none the less I love the feeling when my paws beat on the ground, the grass prickling my skin, the wind in my face.  It's almost serene. 

My senses were now on high alert.  Not that I didn't already have good senses, it's just that being Seff has its perks.

Running through the woods, I snarled at everything in sight from the owls to the tiny creatures on the ground while my the paws vibrating through the air.

Calming down, my steps slowed as I rolled on the grass enjoying the fine greens and tonight's drizzle.

Shaking, my head rolled back and forth trying to remove any excess water that now covered my whole body.

Seff enjoyed running free.  We mostly run though if we have lots of things on our mind.  Mine in particular of a certain raven haired beauty.

Shaking all thoughts of today, tonight I wasn't going to think of anything.  I'll come to that once I go back to reality.

It's amazing really.  Usually I would love to go hunting for rogues but I haven't seen a rouge in ages.  Not that I'm complaining about it really, in fact I am actually content that there have been no more sightings that is until the vampire incident.

But even so, after that meeting with Alpha Hunter, there were no other killings.  Not a single vampire sighting ever. 

Thank god for that.  I couldn't deal with another killings and their families.  I much enjoy the solace of these woods.  It's more freeing, more liberating if you ask me.  And it makes my job as an Alpha a lot easier.

Even so as an Alpha I still can't shriek my duties.  We do have training because one can never be too prepared.

Leaves soon crackled and my nose picked up.  Standing on all fours, I listened to the sound of ruffling leaves. 

However I felt no danger and yet I was not alone.

Beyond the trees just beyond the border I smelt a scent.  It was not a rouge nor a human and if I would guess it's not a vampire too.  Not that I know what a vampire would smell like but this scent smelt sweet.

Seff yipped before taking off in the direction of the smell.  It was dark and the only thing I could see was my paws beating its way through.

As I was nearing, not only my paws could be heard but what ever it was it ran off in the opposite direction.  What ever it is, it wants to play.  I'm down for that.

Chasing it, all I had caught was a glimpse of what look like a tail.  A rabbit?  It's too big to be a rabbit.  I didn't even know what tail it belongs too but none the less it was fast. 

Soon that smell had vanished right before my eyes leaving no trace of whatever that was.  That sweet scent didn't even linger in the woods so there was no trace to follow it.  Well it didn't matter because Seff, he enjoyed the chase even if we didn't catch our prey.


Arriving at school this morning with Rachel had me wanting to run for the hills.  I wanted to be back in the woods but I had to face her, my favorite teacher.

I dreaded coming to school but now that I am here my feet had walked on its own looking for teacher Amy.

Sadly she was either good at hide in go seek or she is avoiding me and I don't have her class till after lunch.

While my attention was trying to find the so called teacher, I was away from my mate. It's not like I meant to, it's just with her around I can't concentrate and she takes all of my concentration.

Walking into the library, I was surprise to see it full. Most of them I recognized as teacher Amy's students. My guess is they too had the same idea on the project she has given us.  Might as well search for the book teacher Amy has told me about.

Heading up and down the aisle, I search and reached for a thick book that had the title Dawn of a New Age. It was an old book with an emblem on it.  As like teacher Amy describe, the emblem was of an old symbol, Ankh.  It was gold with a ruby red stone at the center.

"Dawn of a New Age."  The title alone had my heart tremble.

Pulling out the book and finding an open seat I began flipping through the pages.

The first three hundred pages where more of history of the land White Oak Tree. Nothing new that I haven't heard or read before that I had skipped all the boring part. I was actually even falling asleep until I had turned to the next page. It was a painting, a very beautiful yet very old painting of a couple. Though it was a bit worn out I couldn't help but feel a familiar resemblance. I was mostly memorized by the eyes, her eyes. It held a lot of sadness and loneliness. Makes me wonder what she was thinking. As for the rest of the face, it was hard to tell really seeing it was all scratch up.  Their clothes was surely from a time where fashion wasn't a big thing and yet the two where dress fairly well.

Below the picture in caption it read, "I would walk a thousand miles just to find you." The names next to the quotes where blacked out. I wonder who could have said such sweet words.

Before I could even read the next page, the bell had rung making me glance at the clock. Holy shit I have skipped out on my last two classes and the library that was once full was now completely empty.

Gathering up my books I checked out the book in my hand before heading towards her class hoping she hasn't left school yet.

And to my surprise she was no longer here. Fuck!

"Baby." I had relax from the contact of my mate who had snaked her arms around me, "Where were you. I had called you multiple times but you didn't answer." She leaned her head against my back.

"Sorry I was at the library and lost track of time."

Pouting, "Well I missed you."

Pulling her around me I embraced her, my chin leaned at the top of her head, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you can make it up later."

Following her outside towards my car, I'll catch the teacher tomorrow hopefully this time I'll make sure she has nowhere to run.

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