A Thousand Years

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I was scared, not for my life but for hers.  When he had a dagger pressed against her neck my heart had died a little.

Could she be killed, can she be killed I wondered.

Wanting to go to her but was stop by her pleading eyes.  Her eyes that held pain when she had asked her father if he even love her.

My heart fell at his words.  How can a parent not love their own children?

Soon and without realizing I was attacked from behind.  It was a small fry not to hard to handle once I had notice Amy out of his clutches.  I made sure to keep an eye on her all time.

Charging towards her father, "Stupid dog."  He muttered underneath his breath.

Seeming to have his attention elsewhere I was able to chomp on his leg.  "Get the hell of me."  I felt his claws dig into my back throwing me to the side.  I landed with a thud.

"Enough." A loud voice could be heard causing everyone to halt in there attacks.  Standing back up my attention turned towards Amy who had the old woman who I am assuming is her mother in a straggle situation.

Her father remained stoic.

"What's wrong mother?" Amy sneered.

"Amerie let your mother go." Her father asked impatiently.

"A love for a love right." Her eyes were once again darkening.

The moon now high above us as it begins to turn red illuminating the ground in blood.

"Daughter." Her mother struggled to speak while trying to get out of her hold. "You will do as mother says now submit to me and kneel."

In an instant she had drop her mother. "Good girl. now kneel."

We all were shock, as Amy struggled not to follow her orders none the less she bowed in respect to her while her mother had patted her head, "That is my daughter. I guess Lau is as loyal as to me as she was before." Her snarky remark wanted to make me challenge her.

But what is surprising is Amy kneeling before her mother like she has no control.

I growled and ran to her side, tears welled in her eyes, as I heard her say "I'm sorry."

Looking at me her eyes were no longer red but blue oceans reminding me of her white wolf.

"You see my young ones," Her mother started, "Amerie may be my rebellious daughter but it is Lau her wolf that will always protect her mother." She smiled like she won.

"Now Lau you will come to our aid."

Standing up she looked at me sadly, regret filled her eyes.

Suddenly claws had formed as I had witness her hand punctured through her chest. We all gasps in shock more like horror, "You fool what the hell are you doing?" Her mother yelled.

In a flash she yanked out her heart which beats in her hands. Her eyes turning red once again, her hair turning white as her fangs she had bare came out.

"You are right mother so I had to eliminate the problem." She looked at them bored, her father on the other hand had trembled.

This is the girl in my dreams when she had white hair, taking her heart she put it in the pocket of her robe, before smiling at me, "For later use."  She winked.

In a swift movement, she ripped out her mother's heart and in a furious rage her father attacked.

In fact all the vampires had attack her. We tried to kill them but they were hell bent on avoiding us and killing Amy.

As if I would ever let that happen.

I however couldn't get to her faster, as her own father had her in a choke hold, I charge at him.

Amy's veins were popping out just like with Dalia when she had torn her head from her body.

Amy Seff called silently.  We must go to her.

In a haste I bit his arm as I felt him suck his teeth into my fur. "Braydon!" Her father threw her away as he screamed with heart felt agony.

My eyes met hers as I choose not to let go of him, I listened to him yell while I tore his hand from his body. Unfortunately with his other hand he had rammed his whole entire arm plunging it into my chest, I felt him crushing my insides.

"No!!!" Amy's voice was heard as I had instantly shifted back into human. While he was on his knees Amy jumped on his chest with her knees, holding his chin as she instantly severed his head and it fell. He fell headless.

"Braydon!"  I felt her warmth as she rushed to my side and held me in her arms.

I was now in her embrace, my head on her lap, she was crying. With very weak hands I had attempted to wipe her tears, "Don't cry."

"Please don't leave me, you promise."

"I'm sorry," I yanked the ring out of my neck, taking her hand I placed the ring on her ring finger, "This is yours, a symbol of my love."

"Always and Forever."  Looking at the ring she had read the words that were inscribed in the inside.  "No please Braydon." I could feel my pack, the sadness in their hearts the sadness in hers.

Slowly kissing her hand, "I love you. Even if it takes another thousand years I would find you."  I coughed up blood.

"Braydon, I..."

"Don't cry...I would love you always."


I couldn't stop my tears even if I wanted to. The man I love is dying in my arms again. How many times does my heart have to break before it heals.

"Do you feel that my love?" The sun had risen feeling the warmth caress our skin, "I had promise you after the battle I would claim you as mine." He gasps, he was struggling to breath.

"Shh...please don't..." Placing a finger on my quivering lips, with what little strength he had, he lifted himself up.

He used his other arm to prop himself, sitting in front of me.

I felt his hand slightly clutching my cheeks as he brushes my hair behind my ears. He looked at me lovingly as he had pulled me closer, his face nuzzling the side of my neck, "I have always love your scent." He whispered.

His teeth now scraping my skin as I had felt them sunk deeper, he pulled me closer to him, our chest touching each other, his arms wrapped around me, "I will always be forever yours." His last breath has escaped him and all I could do was clutch my own heart.

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