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"Dad."  I turned to my father who was eating a muffin in the kitchen.

"What is it son?"

There was so much to say.  For instant why do I feel like teacher Amy is the one meant for me.  But also Rachel as well.  Can't I have both?

"Tell me, what is on your mine?"

I smiled at him wanting to know what is going on.  Before my mother died he was a good father to me and my little brother.  He glowed every time my mother walked into a room.

Now why can't I feel the same when Rachel walks into a room.  Instead my thoughts, my feelings, my heart it is confused and conflicted.

"Have you ever heard of a mate wanting anyone else other than their mate?"  

My father looked deep in thought, "That is  unheard of but please I get the feeling this is about you and Rachel."

I sighed, where do I start, "It's a long story."

Father looked at his watch, "I got time.  It's only four in the evening."

By the time I had finished with my story it was already ten after six.  Who knew it took two hours to explain to him course I left out all the gory details.

"Hmm...that is unusual."  Father propped his elbows on his knees, "Maybe you should mark Rachel.  After all she is your mate and once you mark her perhaps just maybe your feelings for this teacher will fade."

I understood his logic.  I should but then if that happens my feelings for teacher would seem like it was never there.  I couldn't bare not to see her even a split second.

Standing up I heard my father spoke, "Where are you going son?"

"A run."  I needed to think and the only way is when the wind is at my face.

Leaving the pack house I instantly shifted into my wolf.  My clothes shredding.

And soon I let Seff take control as he ran into the woods.

I don't know where he was running too but we ran until we came across a small pond.

Sitting down, he dip his snout into the pond stopping for a drink until our eyes watch the water ripple outwards.

We paused when the water began to ripple inwards.  Slowly looking up we saw that familiar tail wagging at us.

It's here.  Seff yipped trotting across the pond.  Good thing it was shallow but once we got to the other side whatever it was, was gone until the shrub up ahead shook.

Seff took a pouncing stance and trotted his way and froze yet again when in a flash it took off.

It was like it was playing with us, toying with us.  What is it that makes us want to chase it.

Running towards the direction it took off, we were on its tale but always out of reach.

Was it a wolf?  It didn't seem like a wolf.  It didn't seem like anything at all.  And most of all it didn't seem like a threat.  That's what made Seff wanting to play with it.

Perhaps nibble its soft tail. That's the only thing I would see.  It was a soft white fury tail with a silver tip that seemed to shine in the moonlight.

Just as I was about nearing it, it took off and in incredibly high speed leaving once again nothing but the silence of this empty night.

Seff sniffed the ground hoping to pick up its scent but it was futile when all we smelt are the pine trees.

Arriving back home I sat on my bed.  Fully showered and dress.  Rachel was already sleeping so I tiptoed.  I didn't want to bother her when she sleeps.

Sitting on my bed, just watching her, my hands caressing her light bruise.  As much as I hate it, I do have to let the teacher go.  She is not my mate.  I have to choose my mate.  "I'm sorry."  I whispered giving her a light kiss on her forehead.


Walking around campus through out the whole day, I had purposely avoided teacher Amy.  Even if she attempts to gain my attention I made excuses as to why I couldn't be alone with her.

Even in her class I made sure I was attentive so she had no reason to throw a chalk at me.

"Mr. Travis may I see you after class."

She waited till all the students have left.  "Mr. Travis, Mr. Churro  has spoken to me that you wish to drop out of class, is that true?"

It was most definitely true.  I wanted to drop out but Mr. Churro my third in command made a compelling argument.  Seeing there was only a couple more weeks till this term is over what's the harm in finishing it otherwise I may have to repeat this class again.

And whose to say I might get the same teacher again. And when Mr. Churro asked of my reasoning I couldn't very well tell him that the teacher and I felt something for each other.  I wouldn't do that to teacher Amy especially with the no student-relationship rule.

I don't think I could bare the thought if she got fired just because of that rule and I would be hurt to know I could never see the teacher again.  Though we could never be together at least I get to see her smile.  If she even smiles which is rare in deed. 

"It is."

"Why, this term is almost finish."

"You know why."  I gritted my teeth.

She inhaled her breath making her chest rise up and down, "If this is about what happened that day I will step back."   She looked at me skeptically before giving one deep sigh, "Look, I am still your teacher and it is crucial that you finish this term.  If you wanting to drop this class is because of me then I apologize but I do not apologize for what I feel towards you however as I said I will back off."

"I'm sorry teach, this is all my fault.  I shouldn't have lead you on."  

"Stop right there.  I don't want your apology.  Apologizing is just a word which is a means to an end."  She pleaded and it broke my heart to see her broken.  "Truth be told I have waited for you..."

Standing up from my seat, "You and I both know that is impossible.  I have a mate.  A mate that the gods chose for me and I will not forsake my mate not even for you."  I interrupted her.  As much as I hated being harsh she needed to hear it.  And I couldn't stand seeing her broken.

Picking up my books before I left she shouted, "Your project is due on the last day of class."

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