History 101

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Tucker was right. I needed to unwind.

Last night I couldn't remember half of what had happened.

After our two hundred and twenty six bottles of drinks we got a little tipsy. If you call dry humping in the booth in public drunk then we were.

It usually takes a lot to get wolves drunk but after so many bottles your body just gives in.

When I had woken up this morning I felt refresh. Not an ounce of bad dreams. To top it off I woke up in Rachel's arm naked.

Which had me panic as I search around for a condom. Thankfully I found one. Still not ready to have a pup with her.

"That was wild." Jen threw an arm around me causing Rachel who stood by my side to growl.

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it."

"Mine." Rachel latch further onto my side.

The bell rang stating my first class is History.

"Bye babe." I kissed Rachel before finding my seat at the back. I figured if I sit in the back then teacher Amy won't notice me.

Even though I had drank my self drunk I do remember seeing her at tonight's club.

I remember our talk and what she said. Fuck, I wish I could blame it on the alcohol but I can't. 

Banging my head on the table the memories from last night flash through my mind. How do I face her now?

"Wow man, don't tell me you got a hang over." I turned to face Tucker. If only that was the case.

Just then the second bell rang and teacher Amy was still not at her desk.

I have never known her to be late or absent before. She was always here before school even starts so the fact that her seat remains empty got me seeing all sorts of rage. Mostly to myself for how I had behave towards her last night.

This is all your fault.

Shut up. I wish I could slap him.

The clicking shoes made its way in. My heart picked up hoping to see her but was thwarted by our dean, Dean Churro.

"Sorry class but your teacher, teacher Amy is running late and if she get's here she will start class but in the mean time you may use this time to work on your presentation."

Everyone was glad that teacher Amy wasn't here. It's not that they didn't like her because they love her but mostly its because every one here can used this time as a free time.

"I wonder what happened to teacher Amy." Tucker nudge my side.

"I don't know and frankly I don't care." I didn't want to seem to care. What I said last night to her was true. I had to have her let me be and I have to do the same so I cannot care.

"Wow, you've change?"

"What do you mean?" I arched a brow.

"Before she's all you could talk about, hell you use to walk the ground she walks on."

"I do not." That was not true at all. Sure I had admire her from afar and we had a little flirtations back and forth but that's just how far it went. "Do your work." I ordered.

Taking out my presentation I only had written a few pages.

It was hard focusing while everyone were chatting, giggle or even throwing spit grenade at each other. What is this high school?

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