chapter 5 - ancient dangers

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After almost a month of barely speaking to Adrian, i feel like they both Adrian and Seth want me to choose someone so they can continue with their lives and i understand them but how could i ever choose, right now seth is more important, he doesnt have much strength and he needs me.  - i was thinking while walking to seth's room with hot water and a towel.

i get in the room and i see he's trying to stand up.

"oh no no no mister, you're not going anywhere"  - i push him down

"you need to rest, i don't know why your wounds are not healing so fast but it doesn't mean you can just walk up and leave"

"nice to see that someone cares"

"of course i care, and so does adrian"

i wet the towel and twist it to let the water out and start cleaning his wounds slowly, i come up to his chest and his hand takes mine and stops me.

" you have beautiful hands, thank you for taking care of me"

"oh.. well you're welcome i guess.."

when i returned the towel in the bucket it was red from the blood, suddenly i thought of something.

"huh it makes sence"  - i mumbled

"what's that you said?"

"i just thought of something that can help you, and i may be right"

"what is it?"

"blood, you need to feed, otherwise it will take long time to heal, like it already is"

i drop the towel in the bucket and put is aside, i come closer to the bed and roll my sleeve up.

"what are you doing kat"

"you need blood, and right now we don't have any blood, so you have to drink my blood"

he gets up.

"are u sure you wan't to do this?"


he looks at me for a moment and takes my hand to his mouth, his teeth sink in my arm for a minute. he then stops.

"is that enough?"

"it'll get me through, i don't wanna hurt you more then i have to"

" you're not hurting me, look it already healed"

i look at his scars and wound and they start to slowly retrieve.

"huh amazing, how do you feel?"

"i feel good, i cant wait to get up and off this bed"

we both laugh

"lets go tell adrian"

"uh yeah, adrian.."

"but first you need to put a shirt on"

i turn around and go to the dresser and pick a shirt from the pile and take it to seth

"here this is ok right?"

"yeah sure"

he sits up and i help him to put his shirt on, i put it on his head and stretch it down to the waist, he looks me in the face while i dress him up

"ok mr. get up i will hold you by the hand"

we slowly walk to the hallway / living room

adrian is talking to some people trying to help some new vampires that needed help, i yell 

"ADRIAN!  look seth is walking! "

i smile and come closer to him

"wow my brother is doing well ha?"

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