chapter 2 - New life

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As my eyes slowly open I realized I was laying on a couch, I pushed myself up to a sitting position.

I felt the couch on my skin, it felt so unreal how everything felt and sounded and looked, I could feel the texture of the leather couch I felt every stitch on it, with a surprised look I turn my head to look around, I could see every little piece in the room which was an attic, my eyes catch a glimpse on a face, I saw him again, its the same person the person that saved my life, how is this possible, how am I still alive! he had a dark hair with light blue eyes and a smiling mouth.

"Finally, you've awakened" 

" where.."

"calm down, I will explain everything"

he lands his hand for me to get up, when I touched his hand I felt skin like never before, it was as if I never lived! it's like the air was moving my way, it's like I could control everything. I looked into his blue eyes and I saw complete control and peace.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Adrian, welcome to your new life"

"new life? what do you mean?"

"can't you feel it, your new body your new skin, you can see better you can feel better... I changed you, you were going to die otherwise"

"How did you change me, I don't understand!"

"you are one of us now, a vampire"

I shock to the word, I never heard anything like it, except some old scary stories of bloodsucking demons coming in the night to our rooms .. but that can't be that is a story only no no it can't be true!

"This is not true, how is that possible, it... I no"

"look at me!" -he shakes me

I stare back at his eyes that calms me somehow.

"Listen, I turned you into a vampire because you were dying, and you don't deserve a life that is corrupted by a man's ego and rage, you are a smart woman capable of many things you are capable to survive death, and you did you made it to the new world, believe me when I say this, you will have revenge on whoever broke your trust and heart"

I nodded and calmed down for a moment and I felt a certain thirst came over me like nothing I ever experienced. I hold my throat.

" you have any water?"

he looks at me for a moment and then he walks over to the other side of the room, to a freezer, then he opens it and gets out a bottle of wine and he pours some in a glass witch looked much thicker and red, then he takes it to me.

"What is that?"

"blood, you need to feed"

"did.. you say blood? as in... human blood" -I cover my mouth 

"trust me, it will taste good, you need it"

"no way, I could never that is so sick! why do you keep blood in.. ugh"

"well if you won't feed then you won't survive long, please do it, just try it for me"

do I dare to do this....I am so thirsty...

"uhh..ok! ok!"

I quickly drink it and put back the glass on the table..... I felt so... alive! I felt the blood go into my system and jumpstart my heart, it was as if I had an adrenalin rush, I felt so much better.

"That was...amazing" - I said with closed eyes

"Is there more?"

"yes, but let's go easy on that, look I got you something!"

"you what?"

he gets a box and opens it and gets out a beautiful blue dress.

"there is a mirror over there"

I walk over to it and see that my old clothes are still on, they are all ripped and dirty but I feel nothing, I don't feel cold at all. I rip them off with disgust and get the new dress on, the fabric on my skin was good, I looked good!

"I love this dress, thank you"

"Only one thing missing"

"and what's that?"

he untangles my hair and puts a small comb with blue crystals on it

"Wow, that is so generous, thank you, but I think its a bit too formal"

"not where we're going"

"where is that?"

"There is something I haven't told you yet"

I turn around to look him in the eyes for what he's about to tell me

"there is a vampire clan that I lead, our clan has specific rules"

I wonder to myself, whatever is a clan? I never heard such a thing

"a clan you say, how come you're the leader?"

"because I formed this clan and I am the oldest"

"oldest? how old are you?"


I laugh, and he starts to smile

"how long have you been.. 28?"

"for six and a half centuries"

I still laugh but he stays still

"are you for real?"

"I never joke about my age"

"how did.. you stay the same?"

"it's one of the perks of being a vampire, there are other things though. come on we have to go or we will be late for the party"

"a party?"

"yes a party just for you, to celebrate your new beginning and your new life"

"wait, what about my.. my family and friends?"

"you will never see them again, you can't talk to them, after what they did to you, they deserve this and now you have a new family, you're about to meet them"

I was angry and sad, I understood Adrian he cares for me but no one deserves to know their child is dead.

"are you ready?" -he said as he lends his hand towards mine"

I looked him in the eyes and I felt secure as ever.

"yes, I'm ready!"

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