chapter 7 - Revenge

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We were going back to our city, i was still shook from what happened, why did i not move or do something, i should have kicked his ass, i'm a vampire after all.

"are you ok?  what are you thinking about"

"i should have at least run or do something when he was coming for me, but instead i was just standing there like a freaking statue"

"well i was there to protect you, and i'll always be there to protect you"

at that moment i thought to myself that i never told my decision to adrian, he deserves to know that i decided to be with seth.

meanwhile at the underground.

"im ready to get up, i'm strong enough i can do it"

"i still think you should just rest more"

"i drank some blood i feel much better so help me sit up"

"okay maura you always know what's best"

she sits up and feels ok, her bites are getting better.

"see i could do it"

" i never doubted you"

back in the car i look around the town we're driving through, it was the town i lived before and it seems so dead and dark, many drunk people hanging outside and i think of a person i never thought i would give a peace of concern but instead it made me think of revenge for what he did to me and what he might do to someone else. Cole, the bastard that made my life miserable.

"seth, stop here!"

"what! right now?"

"yes stop near by this building"

he slowly turns to the side of the road and stops the car.

"why do you wanted me to stop the car?"

"because, in this red brick building lives the man that made my life miserable, im going to pay him a visit"

"wait, what are you going to do to him"

"he will pay for what he did"

"wait kathrene, why are you doing this, i understand he made ur life living hell but i never saw you this angry, you can't kill him it's against the clan rules."

"i will do whatever i want, if i see he has someone else who is torturing like he did to me i'm gonna make him pay"

i walk out looking if there is anyone around, then i jump high to the second floor hanging on the balcony and look through the window, it was around 9:00 pm. i saw that one of the light was on and he was with a woman in the kitchen eating, suddenly they started talking and he got angry he got up throwing the dishes on the floor and yelling at the woman that was helpless trying to cover herself, i get angry climb on the balcony and break the glass, i go inside and take him by the throat pushing him on the wall while my fangs are out and my eyes black and i'm hissing at him.

he is screaming and his face is shocked and scared, choking.


"you bastard, you still haven't changed, torturing innocent girls"

i turn around look at the girl she is backed up to the wall.

"i won't hurt you i'm here after cole, you should run now, while u have a chance, you know he won't stop manipulating you"

"kathrene... how are you a..hh alive!"

"did you really think you got read off me that easily?"

"i'mm.. sorry!"

i let go of him turning to the girl.

"run while you have the chance and don't look back!"

she runs off scared opening the door quickly and not closing it. when i turn around to cole i see he has a knife in his hand, and he stabs me in the stomach. 

"really!? do you think a knife can stop me?"

i get the knife off my stomach with one hand and hold cole with the other.

"you stupid stupid man" 

i drop the knife and am about to bite his head off with anger but seth comes up and stops me pushing me aside.

"what the hell kathrene!"

"he deserves to die! he tortured manipulated and took advantige of me and other girls"

"i know, but you can't kill him"

"he needs to be punished!"

"and so he will, we will put him in jail"

"that won't do anything.."

"trust me i'll make sure he is always being followed"

"okay then"

after that we made sure that the police always tracks him down and checks on him to make sure he isnt doing anything wrong and taking advantage of anyone. and so we come back home tired from everything that happened and go straight to bed.

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