chapter 11 - The shadow pack in danger

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I woke up and it was day, i couldn't sleep much from everything that happened i was thinking about Seth, and everything he said about a marriage, i was happy but at the same time not sure if i was ready, old memories peaked through.

now i was thinking while laying in bed, thinking about Cole, how my marriage was with him, even though i knew Seth is nothing like Cole, i still was worried what would it be.

I got up just walking through the corridor and going upstairs to a room where you can relax by yourself,i was walking until the sunlight struck me and i backed off quickly.

"darn i! i forgot that there were windows here"

I hated what the sun does to us vampires but i still missed it, i missed how the sunlight beamed and it warmed my skin.

I remember when i was young and me and my parents went to vacation i use to just relax on the beach and soak up all the sun warmness.

That is one of the regrets i have for being a vampire, along with not being able to see my parents or anyone i ever knew.

I had planned to go see Kira again, hopefully no one will see me, and i'm hoping that Adrian and Maura will not hate them as much when they eventually meet them, i know a werewolf bit Maura and i understand, i don't know why that happened but Maura killed him so both sides have something to hate about each others.

I was staring at the sunlight while sitting on an armchair, looking how it was coming from the window, just looking at it from a distance, until Maura's voice turned my head to her.

"hey what are u doing here, you know you can get burned right"

"um, yes... i don't even know why i'm here, i just got up here." i felt distant while talking, like today was different i don't know why.

"are you ok?"

"why are you suddenly so nice to me, i thought you hated me"

"i did.... but i guess i changed"

she looks at the window and then me.

"i bet you miss the sun.... i did too"

"you did?"

"well i learned to live in the dark, i mean there are many things that happen in the night unlike during the day."

"things like what?"

"well there are places where you can go to have fun, i'm sorry you're still very new, but mabye you and me can go out sometimes?"

"sure, mabye you can show me how night life is, because i'm kinda bored here.. but don't tell Seth"

"oh i'm sure he knows."

After our conversation Maura went downstairs while i was still sitting and watching the sun go down, i realized i was feeling different today, i was think about many things from the past, I know i was ment to be a vampire when i was turned, i loved everything about it, the heightened hearing, seeing, smelling and feeling. but now i was regretting the things i didn't do as a human.

I needed to go out, i couldn't wait until the sun settled down.

I went downstairs ready to head out but then Seth saw me.

"hey stranger."

i looked him with sort of worried and anxious look.

"what's wrong are you ok?"

"do you really think i'm ok"

"what happened?"

"i've been cooped in here, not doing anything, i've been staring at the sun and how it went down, i miss it! i miss being human so much!, i don't know what to do Seth!"

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