"The Mind, The Imagination, and Reality"
I'm in the middle of a huge controversy between my Imagination my Mind and Reality. I'm constantly in pain and in turmoil, my Mind is racing, my Imagination is running wild, and Reality keeps Reminding of the problems at hand. My imagination just keeps solving all of them with me as the grand hero and, my Mind is solving them as me being the man behind the scenes, but in Reality I'm solving these problems as the moron who can't learn from his mistakes and that bad things always happen to without warning or Rhyme or reason. This battle keeps on raging, my head is spinning, I can't think straight. My life problems are huge now and very much real, Reality goes to the Mind for the answer and it seems possible, just enough to work. But the Mind has not the answer so it looks to the Imagination who knows no bounds or limitations but as of yet again there isn't a logical answer that makes sense. The three of them battle and connive as Reality keeps making mistakes over and over again the Mind has had enough and quits and the only one left is the Imagination. Reality sighs and thinks this is the end, but Imagination looks at Reality and says "the solution is not in the past present or future, but in the sole power of the three of us all together coming up with the conclusion to all these problems, the mind, the imagination, and reality must work together. For the answer is not in Reality alone but, in Mind, body and Imagination" it was then all my problems seemed to go away or rather disappear, for Reality would see the past present and future of the decision, and the Imagination would see the whole thing unfolded as a grand piece of art on a wall and it would see all the good outcomes, but the Mind would perfect the imagination tweak it mold it. So that reality can interpret the meaning if the art and reveal a plan that finally makes sense and will always work. I leave you now to think on these things with the Imagination of peace of Mind and the past present and future of all versions of your Reality.
The most pain
PoezieThis is all my poems that I've written about various situations that I've been in and my journey through this life some are funny, and some are very deep. They all come from me. My inspiration was Eminem he inspired me to write exactly how I feel. T...