it doesn't shine

16 6 4

●All that glitters is not gold,
but all that is gold doesn't always shine●

°o.O [look harder] O.o°

Don't be impressed by things visiable on the surface. Nobody displays their flaws for the world to see. You may find pretty people nice and that is perfectly fine but if you are disgusted by one because of their looks, then you need help. Try knowing one before showing any harsh emotions towards them. Try looking harder and you will find the gems hidden in the dark. Some may be the kindest while some may be the most intelligent. Some may help you even in your lowest and some will drag you to your higgest. Give everyone a chance.


P.s. Its my birthday and the first short poem weekend!
Hope for a postive response to these♡
And feel free to suggest anything you want me to write on!

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