the one

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My friends told me of how others grimace when they gaze,
Yet there is no blemish, no scar on my face,
My arms own them all, i'm not completely unfazed,

Cowering from their harsh gaze,
They may think its just a phase,
But here I am, being suffocated from this beautiful lace,

I used to be okay,
Now i'm scared as my surroundings turn grey,
When was I last happy again? Oh, I forgot that day,

The flaunt their looks,
Throw away my books,
Leave my dignity hanging from hooks,

I try to pierce my ears,
I try to swell my lip which speak wonders no one hears,
I watch as my second to the last friend disappers,

But some one still keeps me breathing,
Living, acting like a sheathing,
The one who learned and is now teaching,

The only one you stuck around,
Helped me know myself and raise from the ground,
From then, my saviour as crowned.


Being bullied can really drag a persons confidence down. Degrading someone to the extend they inflict self harm is just going to leave you buried in the depths of hell. You will be hated for the rest of your life. Remember that your actions affect you and everyone around you. Although if you help. Just reach out to the bullied. You may never realise how great the aftermath of your actions can be. You can save a life and trust me when I say nothing is more important then saving a life. You never know how this could help you for the rest of your own life and how you will forever remain loved and remembered. I just want you to help everyone you can. Even when they say they don't need it.

With all my love,

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