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You don't see me outside and that is for a reason,
I'll be hiding inside, no matter what season,
I don't like it when they drag me out, its straight up treason,

Communicating makes my heart beat fast,
You never know, our first conversation could also be the last,
All my embarrassing moments are never left in the past,

A conversation is enough for a week,
Facing more then one gets my anxiety on peak,
That makes a few describe me as a freak,

My blanket is a comfort zone,
Messages are the only way I talk on the phone,
I just prefer to be alone,

I can't make eye contact,
So to look strong, I put up an act,
My outer shell remains something never cracked,

I hide in strange places,
I often avoid similar faces,
Trying to find me is like runing through mazes,

I'll forever be shy,
To afriad to say "Hi",
I will always prefer to be alone, don't ask me why.


Being introvert means being someone who prefers to be alone. Someone who can't easily make friends, finds themselves being an outcast. Our hearts race when someone tries to approach us. Our parents are concerned for us and so we lie that we have friends. We want to stay wrapped up in bed with our favorite novel or show all day and to just do the things we love without talking to any other human. We forget our speech and stutter. Everyone forces us to "break our shell" when we don't have any. This is just how we are. Its not like we don't want to open up, we just can't. We are pure awkward souls.

With love,

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