dead people become stars

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Death isn't the worse,

Death is agerasia,

A beginning of a new start,

Once you are gone,

You start to shine bright,

You start to twinkle like the sparks in your eyes,

And so you become,

One with the sky,

Up and so high,

Beautiful in the dark night,

You become a star,

People mourn for you only after you are gone,

Famous you become after the dirt is thrown over you,

Tragic and beautiful is your tale,

Yet its only noticed once its over,

But isn't that great?

The sad get loved the most,

They give you the love,


But now you do not need any,

You are free,

Famous without having to deal with the crazy fans,

At peace without the endless stares,

You are a star,

And so they gaze up to the sky,

Wondering how you might be,

Only noticed once its dark,

Yet you were a star all along,

Its just the dark that makes them notice you,

The light of life just covered you,

Your perfections,

Your beauty,

And your shine,

But now you are noticed,

Noticed as the borrowed light of the moon illuminates your flawlessness and your beauty,

The borrowed light, also known as death.


You don't need others approval just to know if you are 'all that'. People realise the worth of importance really late. They will realise your worth once you are gone but thats okay if you knew that you were a star. If you know you are a star.

You are beautiful. You are ideal. You are perfect. All you need to do is love yourself. Be yourself. You will realise the worth of your diamond heart and your gold soul.

With unfading love,

P.s. Thankyou peachspit for the beautiful cover♡

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