Chapter 11 - Looks That Could Kill

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"Take a deep breath, and relax. Relax and let your energy circulate throughout your body. You will not harm your health with high carbs, or calories. Take a deep breath. You will not feel tempted by sweets, or snacks. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. In. Out. In.... Out..... In.....-"

"Layla, you'll be late for school!" My mother interrupts the monotone voice buzzing through my laptop speakers. I sit up and exit out of the "Weight Loss Hypnotism" video, too embarrassed to be caught listening to it.

"I'm not going today."

"What? Why not? Do you feel okay?" I can hear her hand grip my doorknob, and I flinch as she opens it, revealing to me her swollen red eyes.

"I didn't sleep." I mumble and pull my legs up to my chest, hugging them with a pathetic puppy dog look on my face.

"Oh, me neither, honey." She walks over and sits on my bed, planting a hand on my knee. I notice the tan marks where her wedding ring once was. Poor thing. No way can I admit that I wasn't awake all night thinking about my parent's separation. I was upset about that, yes. But the one thing that lingered in my head, poking me with a pin every time I'd nod off to sleep, was Alexander.

"Have you fallen for me, yet?"

Why did he have to say that? And what did he mean? Am I supposed to be falling in love with Alexander Brantley?

"Well, honey. You get some rest, and I'll be home later."

"Do you really think you should be going into work, mom?"

"I have to dear, I have an important meeting."

She leans in close and kisses my forehead, like I'm a child who's just lost her favorite blanket. 

I'm relieved when she leaves, and as soon as I hear the door shut, I scamper off to the kitchen and snatch my favorite kettle from the cupboard. It only takes a second to fill it, before I set it down on the stove with a sleepy clunk, and turn on the heat. I'm not really that tired. I could go to school if I wanted to, but I've never had a perfect attendance, and I enjoy missing a day here and there. Plus, I didn't want to confront Alexander. I'm afraid to see what he has to say. My heart will absolutely break if he apologizes, and shrugs off the comment, like there isn't a romantic connection between us.

I flop onto the sofa while I wait for the kettle to boil, and flip on the television. Maury Povich is on the screen, and there's an angry white woman and a scrawny looking fellow with a mullet screaming at each other from across the stage. 

I can't get into the hilarious arguments, and trashy looking people, like I usually do. Something else is on my mind, and he's been running through it since I stared into those beautiful blue eyes last night.

"Do I wanna know....." My cell phone buzzes. I quickly snatch it and hold it to my ear without a second thought. 


"Hey girl. I'm staying at the Melbrookes Inn. We should hang before we leave to East Harbin."

"Yeah, sure. What time?"

"As soon as possible."

"Give me an hour." 

I can already hear the kettle whistling in the kitchen. I leap onto my feet and skid over to the stove. 

"Kay, cya." Brendan talks over the high pitches squealing, and I quickly hang up the call and grab a nearby oven mitt.

Tea has always been a favorite luxury of mine. I don't know if it's exactly how it tastes, or just how cute I feel when I'm holding a tea cup. I fill my cup with the steaming water, and watch as my orange creamsicle rooibos floats through it's strainer in what seems like an impossible feat. 

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